Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Marissa’s POV

I sat awkwardly eating, I could feel his eyes watching my every movement, hence the reason my eyes were glued to the tray so I didn’t have to look at him. “So Marissa what have you been up too?” he asked too politely.

“Nothing” came my short and harsh answer. “Can I talk too you for a second?” he asked. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, where did he think he was getting with another talk. Every time we talk it’s always the same. I forgive him and say we can be friends and then he does some shitty move again to make me mad. I can never win when it comes to Zane.

“Then talk” I said taking another bite of my sandwich. I wasn’t going to give him privacy, because I knew he wouldn’t say it with Sean around. “No I need to talk to you alone please” he pleaded, his tone was almost begging. I felt my face soften a fraction, I groaned on the inside. I didn’t want to go through the same thing again.

“Fine Zane” I grumbled unhappily while getting up. I walked out of the cafeteria and braced myself against the doors, waiting for him to catch up. “Marissa that day we talked we said we would just be friends and try that out” I nodded and waited for him to continue.

“I just had something come up at last minute, we could always reschedule that” I cocked an eyebrow at him, that’s what he wanted to talk to me about? To make other plans with me. “We said we would try and get along and stuff so let’s try that for once, I hate that we’re always at each other’s throats.” His voice held raw honesty and I was leaning on giving him another chance.

“I guess your right I had no right to be jealous of the girl since we are just friends” I sighed and admitted. He could do what he wanted and I had no right to interfere. “No I didn’t mean it like that, and she was nothing- I held up my hand and cut him off there.

“you don’t owe me an explanation so don’t bother. Let’s just forget about that” I said dismissing it. I had a date with Alex tonight and I was still excited, so almost nothing could ruin my mood. “So wanna hang out tonight then?” he asked. My insides clenched, I hated when I had too tell him I was going out with Alex because I know how it hurts.

“Uh I already have plans for tonight, what about tomorrow” I asked praying he wouldn’t ask who and what I'm doing. “Oh what are you doing tonight?” he asked casually but I caught the little hint of jealousy in his voice.

“I have to go out with Alex” I mumbled, I couldn’t meet his eyes as I said it so I looked down at my old shoes, I really needed to get some new ones.

“Oh well how yea tomorrow sounds good then, I’ll talk to you later” he said before brushing past me and walking back into the cafeteria that was kind of rude of him.

I looked back at the cafeteria doors that he just walked through, I didn’t bother following him, I just went straight to my locker instead to get my books for the next class.

The rest of the school day was so normal that it was boring, I only got Sean and Kyle for a few minutes after lunch in the halls. We didn’t have any more classes together and it sucked. I had to sit in a desk and listen to the teacher try and teach stuff that I already knew.

After what seemed like days the final bell rang. I walked out to the parking lot, and then I remembered I got a ride with Kyle this morning. I was either walking home or catching a ride. But knowing Kyle he was at football practice and I had no idea where Sean was so I decided to save the time of finding someone and I just started walking.

I sighed and began the long half an hour walk home. If I walked fast enough then it would be half an hour, if I walked at a slow normal paste then it would probably take me like forty-five minutes. We just had to live in some little secluded area where nothing was around. I really needed to get myself a car, I thought I didn’t need one well now I do.

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