Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Marissa’s POV

Me and Alex walked out of the big chocolate shop with one big bag in our hands, he had taken me too one of the biggest chocolate factories in the state. I told him I always wanted to go to a huge chocolate factory and taste it all. Well that’s exactly what he did for me, he took me there and we spent time tasting chocolate and simply having a good time. He even bought me some of my favourite ones, too bad it was time to head back home now though.

“So did you have a good time?” he asked as we drove through streets, heading back to the pack house. “Yea I really did. This has already been the best birthday and I don’t think anything can ruin it” i looked at him with happiness displayed clear on my face, he did things that I wouldn’t think to do myself but enjoyed.

“that’s exactly what I was aiming for” he bit his lip as he looked at me and turned back towards the road. “Thank you for everything, I don’t how this could have been more perfect” I admitted as he pulled in towards the quiet area that the pack house was located in. “Well you could give me a kiss” he suggested making me laugh. A couple seconds later we pulled up at the house, I was kind of sad that it had to end but then again the day only had more to offer.

“Do you want to come inside?” I offered as I got out of his car. “No thanks, I have to do some stuff later today, plus it’s your family I think you want to spend some time with them today” he shot me a soft smile as he walked over to me, we walked together up the driveway towards the door and stopped. I turned towards him and took a good look. His bright green eyes shone so brightly with excitement and wonder, it was hard not to find him attractive.

I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my mouth at the sight of him. I leaned forward ever so slightly and brushed my lips across his. I looked into his eyes and I could see the plain excitement there, we felt the same about each other, that much was nice to know.

I finally smashed my lips too his, sparks were definitely there as my lips moved softly against his. I pulled away and looked at him, his face was slightly flushed from the cold but his eyes stayed directly on mine. “You’re so beautiful Marissa” he whispered. It was nice to hear that, not every girl get’s told that and  was lucky enough to have such a wonderful guy.

“You should probably get inside now” he said while pulling his arms away from around of me. “I’ll see you later, thank you again for the great day” I leaned in and pecked him on the lips once before smiling and opening the door. He started walking back to his car as I walked inside, giving me one final wave before disappearing in his car. I don’t know why but something just felt so off. Kissing Alex felt good but wrong, it felt like something was missing that I didn’t know. I shook my head clear and tried to get my mind off it, Alex was perfect and I had no reason to doubt him, but why does some little part of me feel like something is wrong with that?

I had a couple hours till I had to go out with Zane at seven, I don’t know if he felt obligated or just plain guilty, but before we were mates he didn’t have any interest in me and I don’t want his pity. I don’t want him being nice to me because he feels sorry for me, I can handle myself. and if he feels like he needs to do something to spare my feelings then I'm just going to reject whatever offer he has, I'm nobody charity case and I refuse too be.

“Oh Marissa the alpha wants to see you in his office, he said it’s something about training” some girl walked by and said too me, I looked at her oddly. I haven’t ever seen her around here, so how does she know my name. she simply walked by and didn’t take another glance back I shrugged but walked towards the alpha’s office anyway. I walked straight in knowing he was expecting me. He shot me a warm smile as I walked in.

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