Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Marissa’s POV

It was only 11 and this was already the best birthday I’ve ever had. I was currently sitting in my room curling my hair, getting ready to go out with Alex in an hour. I had spent the rest of the morning with my brother, he had gotten me a new digital camera, which I guess I could use now that I actually have memoires I would like to remember. It was nice of him to get me something that I would need but wouldn’t get myself, I think those presents were the best.

I seen my mom too, she wished me happy birthday and told me I would get my present tonight. she probably is going to throw me a party but right now I'm so happy that I couldn’t care less what went on tonight. all she said was that she promised I would love it. I don’t doubt that because my mom’s presents were always the best.

I finished curling my hair and it looked good, it only took me a half an hour and it still turned out in nice loose curls. I walked over to my closet and started my search for some clothes that I could wear today. i ended up in a black pair of ripped jeans with some black boots, a grey and white striped long sleeve and a white leather jacket to top it all off. I put on some silver eye shadow along with some eyeliner and lip gloss, for once I tried to look my best and I have to say I didn’t do a too bad job.

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, it was the perfect look for the perfect day. another thing that I couldn’t keep off my mind was Zane, he was so nice to me this morning that I didn’t want to say no to me when he asked to take me out. Honestly I'm curious of what he’s going to do. I know now that this is strictly a friends thing so I won’t try and make anything out of it.

It was about ten minutes to twelve when Alex messaged me telling me he would be picking me up in five minutes or so. The late November weather was chilly but beautiful; I loved the cold for everything it wasn’t. No one could dress half naked like the summer and I love layering my clothing. The style just fit my curvy body perfectly and made me look good. And of course the snow was another plus, I still loved playing in the snow.  I still can’t believe I'm 18, it feels like half of my life is over though. I’ll be graduating soon and Derek will be turning nineteen early next year.

Werewolf pregnancy’s only last a total of five months so that’s how me and Derek are in the same grade and so close in age. Although for some reason I was one year behind him because I started kindergarten late but I managed to skip a grade because of my grades. I sighed and walked down the stairs, I walked out the door and sat down on the deck, I hadn’t seen Zane since the morning but In a way I was glad, that way we couldn’t ruin anything and cancel tonight. we kind of have a tendency for fighting with each other off the stupidest things.

Alex’s car pulled up a couple minutes later. He parked the car and actually got out to come and greet me. I hugged him when we met halfway down the driveway.

“Happy birthday, you look beautiful as always” he whispered into my ear. He was so sweet that It was hard to believe that a guy as great as him liked me. “I think I have a great day planned, I got you something but I’ll give that to you later” he winked and grabbed my hand.

We walked towards the car hand in hand; this moment couldn’t get any better. it was when we were driving that I remembered what Alex said when I met him for the first time over dinner.

“Hey Alex, you know when we met at dinner?”  Started off. He looked towards me and flashed me a smile before nodding. “well you said you were going to be going to our school, why didn’t you end up coming?” I asked out of curiosity. I would have been awesome to have him at school with me.

“Oh well my mom wanted me to go to a catholic school so she decided to tell me that I was going to one at the last minute, I would have loved to go to school with you though. I already know people there and then there would be the advantage of seeing you every day” he explained and I nodded, I was to busy checking him out to respond right away. He had on a black cargo jacket with a grey shirt underneath and a pair of jeans on. His hair looked perfect like every time and I could see the brightness in his eyes as he looked at me. he was a gorgeous guy, not hot but gorgeous.

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