Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Marissa’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned, I felt like my body was a giant weight on fire. Why do I feel like this? I tried to sit up but that only resulted in more pain all over the course of my body. A doctor walked in the room as I was laying back down and did a double take on me. “Something wrong doctor?” I asked as if he didn’t expect me to be up.

“Well no one exactly expected you to wake up, specially not now after all this” he looked genuinely surprised. “Care to fill me in?” I asked. I don’t exactly know what’s been going on for the past couple of days.

“Well you passed out on your birthday, and well that was one week ago.  We ran every test possible and we couldn’t figure out why you fell un-conscious. Your stress level was a little high but other than that there was nothing out of the ordinary. You wouldn’t wake up for days and everyone has been so panicked” He studied me as he talked, s if I was something that needed to be figured out.

“Well where is everyone?” I asked. if I had been un-conscious for a week then surely someone would be here right? “It’s past visiting hours, there are two people still here. Your mother and your boyfriend, they’re down stairs in the cafeteria though” the doctor said. I nodded and thought about it, what really did happen to me? nothing like this is like me.

“I guess it was just a minor problem, so can I go home with my family today then?” I asked hopefully. “Well I don’t know, you just woke up randomly and we still don’t know what’s been going on with you” the doctor wavered, unsure of himself. “We have a doctor back at our house, she can take care of me” I offered. He was merely a human so he wouldn’t exactly understand the term pack doctor.

“If you have a qualified doctor there with you then I don’t see why not, I’ll go and get your release forms” the doctor smiled before walking out. leaving me in my own pain. I slowly moved my legs over the side of the bed and slipped off. I had to hold onto the side of the bed to keep myself up but I managed to walk inch by inch. I looked around too see I was in a regular hospital room, the curtains were shut seeing as how it was night.

“Marissa” I voice strangled voice came from the door. I snapped my head to where I saw Zane standing with his mouth gaping open. I thought Alex was here since the doctor said my boyfriend but I guess he assumed Zane was. Zane was standing there as if he couldn’t believe it was me. A smile slowly spread onto his face as he began walking towards me.

“I didn’t know if you were going to come back” He said pulling me into a hug.

“I will always come back” I whispered. I didn’t know why but I felt as if it was the right thing to say. As I stared into Zane’s eyes I knew I belonged there. No matter how mad I got at him, or how many mistakes we both made. We always ended up regretting those things and our love was the one thing that kept coming back.

“I love you so much Marissa” he spoke while he looked at me intently. I knew I loved him too, this moment made me realise it though.

“I love you too Zane” I smiled to him. He smiled and leaned down towards me. His lips gently brushed mine before the pressed to the surface. The kiss was full of passion, longing and love. We had been though and waited long enough. I kissed him back with every piece of me knowing that this is where I belong. I pulled apart from him and stared into his eyes.

“I guess it’s finally clear now” I said to him.

“I was scared that I was going to lose you to Alex” he said. His face was full of happiness and so was mine until he mentioned Alex. What was I supposed to do about that? I told Alex I wouldn’t just leave him for Zane but here I was kissing Zane.

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