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Callie sighed as charley walked into the bedroom. "your mum left early, she wanted me to remind you to dress up for live history week" callie rolled her eyes as she stood from the bed "not going to happen" callie said and charley frowned "why not?" "have you seen that outfit, it will show that I am pregnant" callie said and charley shrugged and sighed "i guess so, are you really not going to tell anyone that your pregnant?" charley asked "its not as simple as that and you know it" callie said "i thought you and your mum were close" charley asked and callie sighed "we are, we were...its just, its easier to do it this way, my mum had Connor young than me, she wouldn't want this for me, besides what do I tell her, that its toms?  Isn't the dates don't add up and she will want to do, besides its easier if I do it this way" callie said and charley sat next to her "so what your going to give birth and give up your baby, callie its a person, a baby your and lowsley baby, can you truly say that you can do that?" charley said "i have no choice, charley it was sex that's all he wanted from em, and he still wants it, he has a fiancée besides what do you think will happen if I tell him im pregnant, he will tell him to sort it out, or he will take it from me and he and she, will raise it, I cant see the baby everyday. Its better this way" callie said and charley nodded.

Callie and charley got to school, they spotted sue walking through the hall "no competition with you two" charley said and callie smirked "why aren't you two dressed up?" sue asked them "didn't feel like it" callie said "im too pregnant to dress up" charley said and Sue looked at them before she walked off. "i don't see what that snob your shagged sees in her" charley said "keep your voice down, don't want the whole school knowing" callie said.


At break callie stood in the hall when Christine walked past "why aren't you wearing that dress I laid out for you?" "because it is hideous, mother" callie said "callie" "Mum" Callie said she spotted Simon, dressed up as a captain and smirked at him. Charley noticed it and rolled her eyes. "ill catch up with you, there's something I need to do" charley said and callie nodded as she continued to argue with Christine. Charley followed Simon to his classroom "sir, I think we need to talk?" charley said and Simon frowned "oh yeah?" "yeah about how you slept with my little cousin" Simon paled "in her now" he said, he didn't want anyone to know about him and callie. Charley rolled her eyes as she walked into the classroom "what, are you ashamed of her, you shouldn't, you are lucky to get anywhere near her, if anyone should be ashamed it should be her, especially after tom, you do know that you are responsible for his death" charley said "i know, I know I am" Simon said "you are not enough for her, callie deserves better" charley said "what someone like tom?" Simon asked "you bet, someone like tom. Tom treat her right, he loved her and he never made her feel shitty, he never screwed her than ignored her making her feel cheap, if you ask me I don't know why she is so hell bent on you, your an egotistical jerk, your an stuck up snob and she could do a hell of a lot better, and you have terrible hair. I don't see why you treat her like that, what has she ever done to you?" charley asked "she made me fall in love with her" charley looked to Simon "you love her?" Simon nodded "prove it, man up and prove it and don't mess her up or I will go to my aunt and tell her everything" charley said as she walked out of the room.


Simon sighed to himself, he couldn't believe he had messed up and he was getting blackmailed by a schoolgirl. Simon spotted callie walked past "callie" he said and she looked to him "yes?" callie wasn't in the mood for him at the moment. "you told charley, you told her that we slept together how could you?" Simon asked "i did not, charley isn't stupid she could sense it" "you should of denied it" Simon said and callie glared "i couldn't" "why not?" "it doesn't matter" "yes, it does this is my job on the line" Simon said and callie scoffed to herself "that's all you care about, your job, you, sue. what about me? you don't care about me" callie said as Simon went to grab her arm "callie" callie pulled out of his touch "screw you" callie spat as she walked off.

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