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Callie groaned to herself as she woke up asleep next to Simon. She frowned as she realised that they had fell asleep together. She looked to him and smiled slightly as he woke up and looked to her "are you okay?" He asked as she smiled and nodded. He placed a hand on her cheek and looked to her as he leant in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her and kissed him. She pulled him to her as they made out before Callie pulled away as Amber woke up crying "I'll get her" Simon said as Callie sighed and lay back on the bed. She knew that she had almost told him the three words that she was dreading saying, the three words that she had only said to one person, the person that had died in her arms.

Callie stood up and smiled to Simon "where does sue think you are?" Callie asked as Simon sighed "she's been at her fathers, we have been fighting a lot" he said as she smiled "I'm sorry" Callie said as he looked to her and smiled "it's not your fault" he said as she took Amber from him and walked downstairs to get her bottle ready. Callie placed Amber I her high chair and frowned as she noticed all the old bottle of alcohol. She picked them up and put them in the trash as Simon walked in. He looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked "yeah, fine" she said as he nodded.


Callie got to school and sighed as she spotted Charlee "there you are, where the hell have you been?" Callie asked her "max's, why what's going on?" Charlee asked as Callie sighed "mums drinking again and boy is she drinking, i don’t know what to do, I don’t know where she is and I'm worried, for ambers safety. Simon knows something is up and i won't give him the chance to take amber away. What do I do?  do I call Connor?" Callie asked as Charlee looked to her and smiled "he had the right to know, and you know it" Charlee said as Callie nodded.

Callie sat in class, she was distracted. She was worried over Christine who still hadn't turned up and she couldn’t focus. The door opened as Simon walked in "sorry, Mr Windsor, could I borrow callie?" He asked as callie looked to him and frowned. She stood up and walked out "what is it?" She asked as he sighed "we need to talk about Christine, she's your mum and she hasn’t turned up" he said as she looked to him and sighed "I think that she's drinking again, I can't do this again, I can't babysit her not when I have my own child" she said as he sighed "it will be okay" he said as he pulled her into a hug.


Callie sighed as she walked down the hall. She looked to see that Christine and Simon were arguing. She could tell that Christine was drunk "don’t have a go at me, besides it's not as if you are perfect, you’re the one being unfaithful, what, don't you think I know what you are my daughter are up to" she said drunk as callie placed a hand on her head wanting the ground to swallow her up as Simon looked to her and they held eye contact. Callie watched as the police walked into the school and tried to calm Christine who went to hit an officer only to be arrest. Callie hit her head in shame as Charlee walked over to where she was standing "now, do you think it's time to call Connor?" Charlee asked as callie sighed "I'll call him, we need him home" callie said.

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