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Charlee sighed as she walked into the kitchen as she tried to call Callie again. Charlee was worried over Callie. All that she wanted to do was find her sister again. She had no idea where she was. Charlee walked into the kitchen and frowned as she saw Christine. Charlee looked to her and glared. Charlee blamed Christine. She blamed her for not being there for Callie and for Callie leaving "are you drinking again?" Charlee asked as Christine looked to her and frowned "of course I'm not, I just want to find your sister that's all" Christine said as Charlee looked to her "oh please" she said as she rolled her eyes "you should as if you actually care, you don't and I know that you don't care" Charlee said as Christine looked to her and frowned "of course I do" "no you don't all That you have cared about lately is getting one over on Simon and I hope that you are happy now" Charlee said

Christine looked as Charlee walked off and sighed. She knew Callie wasn't in the right state of mind. She knew that she had been through a lot, loosing tom and falling pregnant by Simon and keeping it to herself. Christine knew that there was only so much that one person could take and she feared that her suicide attempt was a cry for a help. A cry that she didn't notice and now she worried especially now that Callie had taken amber. Christine knew that she need to find Callie. She feared for amber and hay she may be in danger Christine grabbed her phone off of the side and rang Simon "Simon. It's me, look we need to find Callie before something happens. I know her and I know that something isn't right" Christine said hoping she could find her daughter before it was too late


Callie sighed as she tried to settle amber and sighed. She was crying. She looked across the room and sighed "it's going to be okay baby girl, it's just you and me. I know mummy hasn't been here but now I'm here" Callie said as she lay her down and smiled. She picked up her phone and sighed as she saw texts off of Charlee and Simon. Callie knee that she had been under a lot of stress but she couldn't go back, not now. Callie knew that she had to keep running with amber. She needed to do what was best for her.


Charlee sighed as she got to school. She stood in the hallway and sighed. She couldn't help but worry. She knew Callie wasn't herself and hoped that she and amber were okay as part of her was fearing that Callie May do something stupid. Something that she would regret.


Callie walked into the bathroom off the bed and breakfast that she was staying at. She watched her hands and frowned as she saw a reflection in the mirror. She frowned to herself before she turned around and smiled "it's you, your back. You came back for me tom" Callie said

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