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Callie lay Amber down in her crib and sighed as she sat on her bed. She  lay back on her pillow resting her eyes as there was a knock at the door. Callie looked to see Christine, who smiled to callie "hey, she asleep?" Christine asked "yeah" callie said as she sat up on the bed as Christine closed the door and took a seat next to her. She placed an arm over callies shoulder as she rested her head on her shoulder "you could of told me Cal, you could of told me you were pregnant I would never of judged you" Christine said "wouldn't you? I judged me...stupid callie was stupid enough to get pregnant months after tom died" callie said as she glanced to Amber, who had inherited Simons dark hair "who's the father?" Christine asked "its no one, he wants nothing to do with her" amber said as Christine sighed.

"i wish you would of told me" "i couldn't tell myself mum, I was scared, I was going to have her and give her up but when I saw her I melted, I couldn't give her up, how do you give up something so perfect, I know im only seventeen but I don't care I love her more than anything and I want to prove to you that I can do this, prove everyone wrong" callie said and Christine smiled as she placed a hand on callies cheek "i know you will be a good mum, you looked after me enough when I was drinking, you will be a better mum than I was to you" Christine said "you are a good mum" callie said as Christine hugged her.


Callie sighed as she got Amber ready for nursery, as well as preparing for her first day back at school in three months. Charley walked into the kitchen and looked to callie and then Amber "hiya beautiful" Charley said as she picked up amber who giggled. Callie looed to charley and smiled "you okay?" charley asked "i don't know" "Simon?" charley asked as callie shot her a loo at he mention of his name "he wants nothing to do with her, I don't care that he married her, sure I was falling for him, we had sex once and look at what happened, he didn't use a condom and I get pregnant and amber is going to loose out on it all, its not fair on her charley, I ever had a dad, he walked out, I know just how shitty that it is, to grow up without one, feeling like he didn't want you. I don't want that for her" Callie said as Charley placed Amber in the pushchair and walked over to charley and placed a hand on her cheek "loo at me Cal, you are a great mother and if he doesn't want to be a dad than screw him, but he is still entitled to pay for her or not, whether he doesn't want his new wife to know about what hes been up to" charley said and callie nodded. She looked to Amber and sighed, she only wanted the best for her daughter.


Callie and Charley walked into the school. Amber was asleep in her pushchair, She was staying at the crèche while Callie went to school. Callie spotted Simon and sue in the hallway of the school, she hated seeing how loved up they were and she hated how hat she felt jealous of it "you okay?" charley asked as Callie sighed, she could tell how Simon was effecting her cousin "i hate this char, I love him and I hate it" callie said as charley smiled reassuringly, She looked to Simon and glared hating how much he was hurting Callie. "come on, les go we cant be late for assembly" Charley said as callie nodded as she and Simon made eye contact, he hadn't even bothered to talk to her since she had amber, she knew how he felt towards her and amber. 

After Assembly and dropping Amber off at the crèche. Callie stood with Charley as they looked to the new pe teacher, Hector Reid "hes quite fit, get yourself in there Cal" Charley said as Callie rolled her eyes "believe it or not char, I have had enough with teachers for the past year, tom, Simon and getting involved with another teacher isn't the top of my list" Callie said as hector walked past. He looked to her and smirked checking her out "well I think hes interested in you" charley said "he can look all he wants, I have amber to focus on" Callie said as she grabbed her bag "i have class, see you in a bit" callie said and charley nodded.

Callie wasn't aware that Simon was watching her, and seen the way that hector had looked at her, and he  didn't lie it. As Callie walked down the hall, she was grabbed and pulled into an empty classroom. Se looked to see that it was Simon and glared at him "what the hell do you want?" she spat at him, she was pissed at him "we need to talk" Simon said "you had three months to talk to me" Callie said "is she mine?" he asked and callie glared at him "unlike you, I don't sleep about Amber is your daughter, and dot act like  you care you seen me the day I gave birth and you never bothered don't act like you care" Callie said "i do care, I was scared " "scared? you messed up, you didn't use protection I told you I stopped taking the pill when tom died, and you said it would be fine, if by knocking e up s fine, then well done. I told no one I was pregnant, charley found out, you treated me so bad I was going to give her up, I was scared, I lost om and then im pregnant, you don't know the meaning of the word" callie yelled "callie" Simon said  "no, sod of Mr lowsley" Callie said as she stormed out of the classroom and punched a wall as tears fell down her face. All that she could think about was tom and what he would think about her, if he could see her. She hated that she missed him and couldn't talk to him and that she was still in love with a dead man and hated how she was in love with Simon lowsley too.

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