11. It's My Party

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Maddox was fairly intoxicated by the time midnight hit.

He fell onto his back on the lawn beneath him, the voices from people and the bass from the music buzzing in his ears repeatedly.

"Get up!" Ryan Chung demanded as he and Hector Rodriguez forcibly pulled Maddox up from his arms, Maddox, struggling to even stand as he was viciously hoisted upwards.

Maddox never drank at all, his tolerance was so low that after 4 shots of José Cuervo and endless chugging from a shitty bottle of Ciroc, he was having trouble standing upright and seeing straight.

"You good?" Hector asked Maddox was was trying his best to stumble away from the crowd.

Maddox didn't respond, he quickly tried his best to keep steady as he pushed and shoved all the people in his backyard out of his way.

He climbed up the few steps of the deck until he was sliding open the back door of his house and stumbling inside into the den.

He passed by a few people on their way back out, no one was supposed to be inside the house anyways. At least those were the rules his parents laid down for him.

A lot of people he knew showed up along with people he didn't know. There was just one person he was upset not to see and that was Rosario.

She promised that she would come over, instead she texted him saying parties weren't her thing and that she'd see him the next morning.

Maddox used the wall to hoist himself up by his palms until he was finally in the restroom with the door locked shut and his body slumped over the toilet seat.


Arabella drew in a deep breath as she trudged behind Nathan Lansfield. Irritated, she was wearing a dark red flannel over a Smith's crop top and a pair of torn up mom jeans that rode just below her belly button to expose the small belly button piercing she had.

Nathan sighed as he looked down at her and noticed the scowl growing on her face, "I told you we were coming out."

Arabella incredulously scoffed, "You said a movie and dinner not Maddox Reign's stupid birthday party."

Nathan rolled his eyes, "Look, we both know I'm just trying to sleep with you-"

Arabella held her hand up to his face, "You would've had an actual chance if you just asked me that but now consider your chances fucked." Flipping her hair back she mindlessly began to walk further into the deep sea of people.

She awkwardly looked and walked around the backyard to see all of the familiar faces from school. The people who hated, teased, and made fun of her all the time. It was maddening to see everyone doing worse things than her.

All she did was ever have sex, she didn't do drugs, she didn't bully anyone, she never drank to the point of inebriation yet they still looked at her like trash all because she liked to have sex.

It's true, she wasn't the best or nicest person. She kept to herself but if someone were to have the guts to actually mess with or tell her something of course she'd stand her guard and defend herself.

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