Arabella's back? Guess what? So are we.
The tension was slowly building and Arabella was waiting for the moment where everything was going to turn into shit.
She was uncertain about how to feel, she wasn't scared but rather anxious to know what he was going to do or say. She had been up all night waiting for him to retaliate but so far nothing of the sort.
As far as the ride to school went, he hadn't said or done anything to make the girl wary or afraid, but Arabella is known to always be alert, and he is aware of that annoying trait.
When he pressed down on the break to stop at a red traffic light, Arabella could feel his hard gaze burning her skin.
She felt herself becoming smaller in his volatile presence.
Nathaniel inhaled deeply as he began to grip the steering wheel tighter. Arabella noticed but continued to remain silent.
He began to breathe a little heavier and it was starting to become off putting.
Nathaniel let go of the steering wheel but kept his foot on the break. He slammed his closed fist down on the horn.
"Why are you like this?" He sounded angry but desperate at the same time, "Why?" He asked again as he leaned his head down on the steering wheel.
Arabella looked up at the red traffic light and hoped that just by intensely staring at it that it would turn green.
"Arabella..." He slurred her name before slowly raising his head to look up at the road before him, "I don't want those boys around my house again, you hear me?"
Arabella felt her blood begin to broil but she remained quiet.
The light turned green and he stepped on the gas pedal before he accelerated to a mild speed.
"You know you could disappear and no one would care." He said to her with a slight chuckle at the end.
"You've got nobody, no mom, no dad, no fucking body," He looked over at her so that he could rejoice in her dejection when he noticed that her hands were balled up into fists, "Oh?" He mocked, "You're upset with me aren't you?"
Arabella slightly turned her head to look at him, he could see the anger in her eyes manifesting itself into frustration, "Leave me alone."
"Hit me," He said calmly and through a sly smirk, "Hit me, come on."
Arabella barely shook her head, "You're sick."
"I'm sick?" He reiterated, "You're the sick one, opening her damn legs for anyone who looks at her."
Arabella chuckled and grinned at him, "Mad because you weren't the one to do it?" She could feel her sanity slipping because of him, "Mad because you thought you would be the one who could've had me first huh?"
Nathaniel kept silent but began driving a little quicker now.
Arabella ran her fingers through the ends of her black hair, "Well guess what? You'll never fucking get the chance."
She laughed very briefly before becoming silence once more, "Ever."
Without warning, Arabella's body was flat against the passenger door from the sudden motions. The speed in which he pulled the truck to the side of the road caught her off guard and didn't allow her to stiffen her body for the impact. She crashed against the door and it felt as if it had happened in a split second.

General Fiction"Her lips are like the galaxy's edge, and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place" (AM). - Every time he looked at her, he could feel his heart breaking. She was the girl with the gleam in her eyes plucked from the stars themselve...