Something in the back of her mind kept troubling her, maybe it was the fact that she looked like such a mess waiting for Stanford to arrive.
She combed her fingers through her hair and kept a watchful eye out for him.
She was now timidly holding onto her styrofoam cup of earl grey.
In truth, she was worried something else might happen. She was worried she'd become weak and actually beg a man to come back to her.
She never begged, it was usually the other way around. The thought was there though, to beg.
Arabella took in a soft breath as she looked around the dimly lit coffee house. It was a no brainer he wanted to meet her somewhere no one would recognize him.
She heavily sighed and leaned against the wall behind her when the jingle from the door sounded throughout the small café.
Her head snapped upright and the tall man was right in front of her now, taking a seat across from her as he offered a passing by waiter a forced and meaningless smile.
"You're late." Arabella scolded folding her hands underneath her chin.
Stanford cleared his throat, "I only have an hour or so for lunch, let's make this quick."
Arabella batted her lashes multiple times before letting a frown take over her lips, "You're no fun." She sternly stated as she looked down at her cup in disappointment.
Stanford began to massage his temples, he exhaled loudly letting his frustration be known, she glared up at him before grabbing her bag from the floor and rummaging through it.
Stanford leaned back in his seat and scoffed, "Still using that thing?" He questioned referencing her leather Chanel backpack.
She let out a dry chuckle, "Want it back?" She questioned looking at him while hate and bitterness laced her voice.
He shook his head and laughed, "You're something else."
Arabella finally pulled out a small manilla folder and handed it over to him. He took it from her almost immediately and began to look over it.
Arabella took a drink from her cup when a waiter came by, smiles and all.
"Hey, I'm Jason-"
"Decaf, creamer on the side." Stanford cut him off mid-sentence. The young guy looked at Arabella and all she managed to do was shrug apologetically.
"Be back with your drink." He softly said as he walked away.
Stanford was flipping through the pages when Arabella's phone began to ring in her pocket.
He peered upwards from the medical papers as she took her phone out and looked at it. She clenched her jaw and rejected it before placing it face down on the table.
He smiled as he looked back at the pages, "Boyfriend?"
Arabella could hear the mocking tone of voice he was using, almost dehumanizing in his own manner.
Scoffing, she shook her head, "It was Maddox."
Stanford took in a large breath of air and he lightly placed the folders down, "I thought we had a deal."

General Fiction"Her lips are like the galaxy's edge, and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place" (AM). - Every time he looked at her, he could feel his heart breaking. She was the girl with the gleam in her eyes plucked from the stars themselve...