There wasn't another word other than sinister to describe the aura that emanated from inside of the dark shed. They could barely see anything from where they stood at a distance.
Some of the light made a tiny difference in showcasing the outline of some of the shabby furniture and garden supplies like the stacked plastic chairs and long green hoses.
But that wasn't what made them feel sick in the pit of their stomachs. What made them feel uneasy and weak was the foul stench of sweet decay that had caught them off guard.
The two of them had taken a few steps back to try and escape the smell, but it was too late. The stench followed them to the far end of the garden where they were.
The teens were gagging and trying to stop themselves from throwing up—especially Maddox, who was full of bran muffins and orange juice.
He took in a deep breath through his mouth and exhaled smoothly.
"It smells like something died in there," he said.
Arabella, who was bent over with her hands on her knees, nodded her head.
"I know," She said as she stared at the ground and gripped at the fabric of her jeans.
The smell was strong enough to be compared to rotting meat that had been left out in the hot sun for a week or two. It also had a tinge of sweet decay to it, and a chemical compound that neither teenager could accurately pinpoint, but it was something that could be described as an acrylic lacquer.
"Come on," she directed, "We're going to have to breathe through our mouths."
Maddox stayed in place as she walked toward it again. This time, she had her t-shirt pulled up and covering half of her face.
"Wait, I have an idea."
Arabella stopped to turn back and look at him, "Go ahead."
Maddox swallowed his spit, "We can... well, we can," he looked around and thought about how he could save themselves from having to breathe in the smell any further.
Arabella raised an eyebrow at him, "Go on...?"
Maddox wrinkled his nose but then regretted it because it had hurt.
Maddox pointed at the house the moment he came up with an idea, "Do you guys have dryer sheets?"
Arabella could sense his hesitation and wasn't impressed by it one bit.
She scowled at him and then waved him away, "I don't know? Go check the laundry room."
Maddox felt her energy and knew she was a little annoyed with him, but all he wanted to do was help by making things a little easier.
He went toward her and grabbed her, forearm, "Don't go in without me. I promise I'll be back with something."
Arabella pouted her lips, "Okay."
Maddox quickly left the backyard and went back inside the house.
Arabella was alone for the time being, and she was beginning to feel insane just by looking into the structure.
The dilapidated blue paint gave it such a quintessential natural look by the garden. Like it belonged there and was just a normal part of the landscape.
For so long, she had dreamed and thought about that very moment she was in. She had wanted to step into his shed and find his secrets.
For so long, she had wanted to expose him for the monster that he is.

General Fiction"Her lips are like the galaxy's edge, and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place" (AM). - Every time he looked at her, he could feel his heart breaking. She was the girl with the gleam in her eyes plucked from the stars themselve...