Everything was more or less the same. It had only been 4 months since she last saw it.
The four walls were still painted that lazy shade of pale blue that she disliked. The upright piano was still pushed up against the wall where it was right beside the red brick fireplace that had photos of their family displayed on its mantel.
She was nervous yet indifferent to it all, a cloud of hopelessness was hovering over her weary body but there was nothing she could do. She was tired of running.
Though she was right back where she started and things seemed bleak, Arabella wasn't going to give up and take the punches life was throwing at her. She didn't do it before and she wasn't going to do it now.
Her PayPal account had approximately a little more than $10,000 dollars in it but that wasn't enough to get her to where she wanted to go, luxury wise.
She decided that she would quietly bide her time and continue to save money so that she could escape to either Los Angeles or New York City. In those cities, $10,000 dollars wasn't going to get her anywhere especially if she wanted to live in opulence.
Though she was avoiding him, she felt her skin was being ripped open by the familiar glare that often rendered her powerless. He was watching her, re-familiarizing himself with the subtle movements of her body.
He was devouring her.
Holding back tears whenever she spoke, Kate was wiping away at the ones that would defy her and stray down her cheeks anyway. Her ashen colored face was a flush with dilated capillaries that left a floral bloom across her cheeks in the shade of translucent vermillion.
Kate breathed in, "I am just," She paused to chuckle and to wipe a tear away, "I am just happy you're home."
Arabella raised her tired gaze from the hardwood flooring and up over onto her. She smiled at Kate very meekly as she buried her body further back into the couch.
Wendy laughed nervously as she clasped her hands together, "She's still a little shaken up from her injuries is all."
Though her throat was still in pain from being strangled, she wasn't thinking much of that night's incident.
On the contrary, she was thinking about the monster who was only a few feet away from her. He was calmly sitting beside an innocent woman who had no idea of who her husband was. Nathaniel masked his true nature with a kind smile and a suburban father front.
Nate suddenly sighed, "Thank you for getting her home safe to us Wendy."
Wendy bowed her head slightly to thank him, "It is my job after all."
Arabella scoffed which earned her one of Wendy's infamous glares and a silent smile from Nate while Kate continued her emotional breakdown with her tissue.
"Well," Wendy cleared her throat and smiled at the couple before her, "Let's start signing some papers shall we?"
Twirling the bathroom pass with her fingers, Rosario was humming the lyrics to her favorite song while she walked down the empty hall.Everything was calm until Abel Rogers suddenly appeared around the corner and saw her. He clenched his jaw and stood up straight, he had already decided on what he wanted to do with her.

General Fiction"Her lips are like the galaxy's edge, and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place" (AM). - Every time he looked at her, he could feel his heart breaking. She was the girl with the gleam in her eyes plucked from the stars themselve...