20. Abel & Arabella

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The deep mixed shades of both scarlet and violet spread across his swollen and sore face leaving a stretched on bruise to cover his freckled, golden brown skin.

Lynda, his mother, was sitting beside her only son trying to get rid of the awkward vibe that both he and her husband managed to invite to the dinner table that night.

Steven Rogers, or rather more respectively Dean Rogers, was silent but deadly very much like his son Abel. The older gentleman never cared to spare feelings or the truth when it came down to his own flesh and blood.

As always though, Abel was festering with anger just waiting for the moment his father were to say anything wrong just so he could explode.

Steven looked up from his plate and to his sons, the corners of his lips tugged themselves manually into a frown, "You haven't touched your plate."

Abel, who was slumped back in his seat with his arms across his chest just glared at him, "Not hungry." He bitterly replied through his clenched teeth.

Steve sardonically chuckled and put his fork down, "You're really just a bitch aren't you son?"

Lynda's green eyes widened as she stood up and cleared her throat, "Let's just finish up he-"

"Sit down, our son needs to hear this." Steven sounded like a snake just by the way he finished his last word off with a lisp.

Abel clenched his jaw and stared directly at his father with absolutely no fear present in his light emerald orbs.

Lynda timidly looked down at her lap and began to nervously twirl her fingers about.

"Abel let Maddox hit him and while he cried about his broken nose get this shit," he hollered, "Our sons friends gained up on Maddox and now Nina flipped out about it and wants to sue the school."

Lynda sighed and timidly reached over for her sons hand to take it into her own. "What Nina wants to do is in no way Abel's fault."

Steven's eyes widened and a scoff of disbelief left his lips, "Those two idiots are always, always, always going at it! And for what? I don't know! Neither of them ever tell me!"

"You already suspended Abel, it's done let's just talk about something else." Lynda timidly chimed in hoping her husband would cooperate and just change the subject.

Abel slowly shook his head and licked his lower lip, "He suspended me knowing damn well it can affect my spot on the team next season."

"Well you should've thought of that before you decided to act like a girl."

Abel in a fit of frustration groaned and got up from his seat rather quickly. Upset, he made his way out of the dining room and towards his bedroom when the doorbell rang.

He scrunched his nose up knowing the loud rain and thunder outside wasn't allowing his parents to hear the bell. He creased his forehead together as he walked down the long hall to reach the front door.

He stared out of the windows beside the side of the door just to see someone standing there with a rubber yellow raincoat on and an accompanying pair of yellow rubber boots.

Grabbing the bat he kept by the door he swung it onto his shoulder and let it rest before opening the door with confidence.

"What do you want?" He questioned seeing the young girl standing before him with a timid look written across her face.

"Hi." Rosario managed to call out from the loud pouring rain that was falling.

Abel glared at her for a good 30 seconds or so before quietly moving over to the side of the doorway to let her in. Placing his bat back where he got it, he shut the door behind Rosario who's coat was now dripping water onto his mothers beloved hardwood flooring.

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