Chapter 1 ☾ The Bombing in Vienna

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Anna sat in the living room looking down the Vienna streets, it was a lovely day today. She heard music coming for the middle of the city, she wondered what was going on, sounded like lost of fun.

"Anna, I made you lunch come to the kitchen"

Anna made her way and sat down at the table. Her mother was setting the table and put two plates of egg salad onto the table. She then sat down facing her daughter.

"So tomorrow I'm going down to the market, if you come we can also pass by that store with that lovely dress you wanted" said Anna's mother

"Oh really!" Anna exclaimed happily

Anna couldn't stop thinking about that dress she had seen a couple of days back.

"Of course, it will be fun" Her mother replied. "I miss spending time with my daughter, we haven't gone out in a while and..."

The sound of the loud explosion never let Anna's mother finish what she was saying. Everything had turned dark for a moment. Anna's eyes where filled with dust, it was hard to believe just moments ago there was sunlight coming in by the big windows. Anna didn't understand what had just happen, she heart was beating quickly, her mind was racing, did a bomb just explode the apartment building? Anna started to look around but there wasn't much to look at but the brick and pieces of wall surrounding her.

"Mum!" Shouted Anna "Mum! Where are you, MUM!"

Anna started to cry, she was so afraid, still trying to process what had just happened.

The appartement building she lived in has just blown up and surprisingly she was still alive. Anna tried to crawl and find an exit but she had a hard time pushing the brick away.

"Come on! Come on! COME ON!" She kept on shouting

Anna started hitting a piece of brick trying to get through and after a few hits she saw a bit on sunlight. Anna kept on hitting and hitting when she realized it wasn't sunlight she saw but something glowing. Anna reached out to it and felt an immense shock that hurt her bones. Anna yelled out in pain. She let go on the glowing thing and held her hand. She took deep breaths trying to calm herself down but just started to cry even more.

But then there was another sound and Anna recognized this sound. The sound of a whistle, of something heavy falling from above, another bomb. Anna covered her head bracing for impact.

"Hurry, hurry, we have a body on the second floor" shouted some rescuers.

They were pulling bricks and objects trying to get to the young girl. They finally found Anna's unconscious body. The rescuer picked her up and carried her to the ambulance.

"Is she still alive?" The rescuer asked one of the doctors

He check her pulse "yes, but barely" the doctor answered.

They gave Anna some Oxygen trying to keep the girl alive. The ambulance rushed her to the nearest hospital.

"How is she still alive?" Said one of the doctors has she looked down at Anna who was laying motionless on the hospital bed.

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like this" Answered the other doctor.

Anna slowly started to wake up. The two doctors looked down at her and slowly backed away once she opened her eyes. They were shocked by what they saw. Her eyes were unnatural. They where a type of bright neon blue.

"Where am I" Anna asked has she looked around.

"A, huh, a hospital" The girl doctor said still shocked by the look of the girl.

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