Chapter 25 ☾ Nuclear Bomb

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Before Anna had the chance to do anything. The red tornado was enveloped inside a red orb. Anna turned to see Wanda using her powers. She brought the red tornado up in the hair and once it was high enough she made it explode. Wanda then ran and stood between Anna and Kai.

  "Get out of here Anna" Wanda said

Anna hesitated. She turned around and looked at Geyr. She took his hand and started to run away. "Where do you think you're going!" Shouted Kai. He was about to Attack Anna but Wanda shot her magic on him making him unable to move. Kai was not happy, he gave her a death stare, he tried to move but it wasn't working, he couldn't escape. Sam was watching the scene with a phone on his ear. He had just called the cops.

  "You could do so much you know. I've seen you do things, you could create such chaos in the world, I still don't see why you are the hero and I'm the bad guy. You've killed more than I have." Kai started. Wanda didn't let herself be distracted by him. "I just wonder, if you'll still be alive to see the day the world sees me as the hero and you as the villain"

There was a burning sensation going through Wanda's arm. She looked down and saw red smoke surrounding her arm and it was making its way towards her chest. She shouted in pain and grabbed her arm that had scabs and painful pustules on it. Kai was no longer bound by Wanda's magic. She looked over at him and saw that his thumb was missing, he had turned his thumb into smoke and then attacked Wanda with it. The smoke kept on spreading around Wanda, it was so painful.

Anna was able to hear Wanda shouting. She stopped running and turned around. She was able to see Kai standing over her has she shouted in pain has smoke started to build around her. Sam was running towards Wanda to go help her but Anna knew Sam didn't stand a chance against Kai.

  "Stay here" Anna said to Geyr and ran back towards Kai.

He didn't know she was coming for him, he was too concentrated on creating poisonous smoke around Wanda and now Sam. Anna threw a cosmic ring towards Kai, he turned around and didn't have time to react. He was shoot a couple of feet back. His smoke faded away from Wanda and Sam.

  "Don't you touch them!" Anna shouted as she shot another cosmic ring at him.

She jumped on top of him and put her hands on his neck. Scabs started to appear all over him, she was radiating him. Anna stared straight into his eyes wanting him to die, wanting him to suffer. Kai was in pain but he didn't shout, he didn't want to give Anna the satisfaction of him suffering. Kai's body then started to turn back into red smoke and was able to get away from Anna. He then turned back into himself and was standing behind her.

  "You are going to have to try harder than that if you want to kill me" Kai smirked.

His body then froze again and he this time he shouted in pain. Wanda was torturing him with her power. "Now this isn't fair, two against one" Kai exclaimed. "I've had enough" He then shouted

Kai turned into smoke once again, it started to get every windy, Anna's hair was going everywhere. The clouds seemed to become darker, the seemed to be turning ... red. Smoke started to fill the air and the streets. Anna ran towards Wanda and put her arms around her.

  "He's filling the air with the poisonous smoke, he's going to kill everyone!" Anna said to Wanda. "We can't catch him, not now in his smoke form, he's everywhere, Wanda I'm scared"

Anna didn't know what to do, what can you do. How can you catch a person who is everywhere, how can you catch smoke. Before the smoke touched Anna and Wanda, Wanda created an orb around Anna and herself. They floated over to Sam and Geyr and created orbs around them.

  "We aren't going to catch him but we could try to save the most people as possible. Do like me, create orbs around the people to protect them from the red smoke." Wanda said to Anna

Wanda and Anna flew towards the by standers who were either burning because of the smoke or running away from it. Anna created cosmic orbs around everyone she would see, they tried to get to everyone but it was nearly impossible. There was one girl on the ground, she was dead, or nearly dead. Her whole body was filled with pustules. The girl had to be about Anna's age. Anna knew there wasn't much use in creating an orb around the girl but she did it anyway.

  "He isn't going to stop" Anna murmured. "Bring me down"

Wanda looked at her but she did as Anna asked and brought her back down to the ground. Anna created her own cosmic orb around herself and walked away from Wanda. "You win Kai! Are you happy! Just leave them alone, just stop! Stop!" Anna was shouting like the helpless little girl she was. Anna could hear laughing from the sky.

  "You want me to stop? Well, you know what to do" Kai said

Anna looked back at Wanda and then looked at Sam, they both didn't want her to do what she was about to do. Anna then looked down and the cosmic orb around her was gone and she was exposed to the smoke. It was all around her within seconds. It went inside her lungs burning her inside and out. She tried to yell but no sound came out. It hurt so much, she'd never been in such pain before. She looked down at her hands and her arms, her skin was practically peeling off. Anna fell to the ground, she was crying. Her eyes rolled behind her head and she started seizing. Wanda watched her, she was in tears, she was only thirteen, what kind've crazy psychopath wants to kill a child. Anna's seizing body started glowing, a blue light surrounded her. Her skin seemed to be cracking, something was happening to her. Wanda's heart skipped a beat, she knew what was going to happen, Anna was going to explode. She was practically a nuclear bomb and Kai just set her off. Wanda looked around, even if most of the people were inside orbs thanks to her powers she knew it wouldn't shield them from Anna once she exploded. Wanda flew towards her. She created an orb around her, she used all of her powers to try and conceal Anna.

It didn't work, no matter how hard Wanda tried it didn't work. Anna let out a long and painful yell. It was like a nuclear bomb exploded, almost everyone who was there was killed unless they were far enough. Wanda was able to save a couple of people including Sam but she wasn't able to save everyone, she wasn't able to save Anna. The red smoke was gone, the sky was clear and it was no longer windy. Kai was dead or at least that's what Wanda thought. After Anna exploded the smoke disappeared and a toe fell from the sky, like if Kia tried to turn human again but didn't have time.

It was over, it was all over, Kai was dead, so many innocent people were dead, Anna was dead. Wanda wasn't this sad and upset since Pietro died...

Authors's note: Wow can you believe it, it's the end of the first book! Yes this does mean there will be a second one. Do you Think Anna might still be alive, do you think Kai is actually dead, how do you think Wanda will take it. I hope you all enjoyed the first book and I can't wait to start writing the second. Tell me what you thought of it in the comments and don't forget to vote. Once this book gets to 1k reads I will start posting the second one so share with your friends and lest get this book to 1k :)

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