Chapter 10 ☾ Fear over Anger

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Tony was in his lab doing the best he can to get the radiation infecting im out. His face was burnt, he's never had a scar like this before. James was with Anna who was tied to a chair with chains around her. She was still knocked out and would continue to be for at least another good hour since James injected her with a sleeping drug.

  "She's so young" Said Wanda who walked in the room.

  "Yeah, I know" James answered "do you think you'll be able to contain her?"

  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure" Wanda replied

Tony decided to call Wanda over to see if she would be able to control the kid. With the power she had, she might be the only one for now. James made his way towards a computer and sat down, Wanda followed him. He looked up bombing in Vienna to try and see if he could find anything about this girl.

  "The girl said something about a bombing in Vienna, said it was all Stark fault, hopefully I'll be able to get some information about her"

James started looking throughout the web pages and found a news article about it. He went reading it and saw pictures of the people who had died in the Vienna bombing. "Is that her?" Wanda asked. On the page there was a picture, it had to be the girl, the only thing different about the picture was the fact her eyes were brown and now they are neon blue. James look at the name: Anna Schneider, twelve years old, died in the bombing.

  "It says she died!" James said

  "Mr Rhodes, six people have entered the building" Said F.R.I.D.A.Y the A.I that Tony had uploaded to the towers security system.

  "Who?" James asked

  "Hydra operatives" F.R.I.D.A.Y answered

James gave Wanda a worried look, they were both wondering the same thing, what was Hydra doing here. They looked over to the girl at it clicked, they were probably here for her. Tony came to see them with his suit half on. "Don't let them in" He said but at that moment the Hydra operatives burst through the door. Wanda sends a couple of men flying and knocks them out. They start shooting at her but she would block the bullets. Tony and James started shooting at the men helping Wanda. All concentrated on someone, none of them realized of the Hydra men was able to slip into the room and made his way towards Anna. Anna started to wake up and when she did she shouted with fear when she saw the man face to face with her. Tony turned around and saw Anna set off a nuclear shock and killed the man. She burned through her chains and got up. She watched has Tony, Wanda and James were fighting the Hydra people. She didn't know what to do, now was a perfect time to attack Tony, while he was distracted but hydra was here, they could take her away again and she didn't want that, after all she's been through.

  "Get out of here!" Tony shouted to Anna

She was surprised, why he helping her. "Get out now!"

More Hydra officers where coming up the tower, soon they would be outnumbered by a lot and they wouldn't be able to old them off. Anna started looking around, there was only one way out and it was blocked. There were plenty of windows, she could jump, but if she would there was no way she would survive the fall, she was so high up the tower. She was so afraid, she didn't want to get captured, her fear was greater than her anger towards Stark, and she was very angry at him. Hydra officers were able to push through and two of them were making their way towards her. Anna sent a radiation their way and it caused them to fall to the ground and seize. More of them started shooting at her, she tried to react, protect herself from the bullet with that radiation shield she could create around her but it was too late. The bullet that hit her wasn't any normal bullet, it was fast, different and it hurt much more. It hit her so hard that she was thrown onto the window. It broke and she was falling down the tower. The fall felt like forever, she looked up at the sky knowing that in the next five seconds she was splatter onto the ground. She closed her eyes and listened to her heart beat one last time. The five seconds past and she could still hear her heart, she wasn't falling anymore. She opened her eyes but everything was a blur, she knew someone was holding her, someone had caught her. She was laid down on the ground. Anna was bleeding from her shoulder, she got shot near her first wound. The pain then rushed to her, she started shouting.

  "Alright, lest get you out of here, can you walk?" Asked the voice, Anna recognized it, it was Tony's.

Anna's eye started to adjust again, she looked at Tony and he wasn't sure if she was going to attack him or not. The Hydra officers were coming out of the building, and started to shoot at them again. Tony put his hand out to help Anna out. She decided to put her anger past her, it was more important for her to get away from the Hydra men. Anna took his hand and got up, Tony was revealed that she didn't radiate him. Tony then grabbed Anna and pull her behind him so the bullets wouldn't hit her but his suit.

"Okay, old on tight" He then said. She held her and started to fly away. One of the Hydra officers took out a huge gun and click on two buttons and pointed it at Iron Man who was getting away with Anna. He then clicked a third button that shot a blue blast that hit Tony's armour. It seemed to have electrocuted his suit started to fail and he plummeted to the ground. Tony tried his best to cover Anna body so she wouldn't get hurt even if that meant her blood would be touching his suit. It started to burn through his suit and soon it would touch his skin but luckily they hit the ground first. Tony was able to save Anna from any extreme damage, he let her go and she crawled away from Tony.

"Anna! My greatest experiment!" Exclaimed a voice.

Anna recognized it quickly, it was doctor Turgeon. What was he doing here Anna said to herself.

"What a lovely seen, the Iron Man saving the little girl, I'm surprised Anna, I'm disappointed in you mostly. Seeing you team up with the man who killed your mother, after all the things you've said" Doctor Turgeon said trying to provoke the girl

"I'm, not, teaming up, with, him" Anna said still trying to recover from the crash

"He's still down Anna, he's all yours, you can kill him now" The doctor continued

War Machine, aka James, and Wanda finally made their way down the building to where all the Hydra men were. War Machine was about to blast Doctor Turgeon when he snapped his fingers and the man who had shot Tony shot War Machine, luckily, Wanda was able to stop the blast.

"Why do you people always have to come and ruin the fun!" Doctor Turgeon exclaimed

"I didn't kill this girl's parents" Tony then said once he finally got up. Doctor Turgeon smirked

No one was moving anymore, no one was shooting no one was fighting, they were all staring at Anna and the doctor watching to see what she would do.

"Tony didn't do it Anna" Wanda then said "They are lying to you, believe me, they said you were dead, that you died in the bombing when they had you all along. They've been lying to you"

Anna didn't know who to believe anymore, but the more she thought about it the more it was clear, why would the people who just saved her be lying...

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