Chapter 23: Hero?

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"I'm sorry but you can't come with the girl" Said to officer to Wanda as she followed Anna to the cop car with Sam following loosely behind

  "Why not! She is just a kid and I am not leaving her alone" Wanda answered

  "I know who you are, and I can't trust that you won't try to break the young girl out and run away" The officer said

  "Why would I do that, I just want to accompany her, she agreed to come with you" Wanda said still trying to convince the officer to let her tag along. She didn't want Anna to be alone with an officer. She's been alone for too long, now that Wanda was here with her she wanted to stay with her, protect her, like an older sister.

  "I'm sorry but I can't trust you to not pull anything, but he could come." The officer told Wanda looking over at Sam.

Wanda knew why he didn't want her to come, it was because of her powers. Sam didn't have any, so the officer knew he wouldn't be able to kill them in seconds, they probably felt safer with him around. Sam put his hand on Wanda's shoulder "I'll take care of her" Sam said to Wanda. He got into his car and followed the cop car Anna was in to the police station.

Anna was brought into an interrogation room with an officer, both of them sat at one end of the table. Sam was in another room watching them with other police officers.

  "Now tell me, who or what was the thing that attacked those officers?" The cop asked Anna

  "The man's name is Kai, I do not know his last name. I had met him a couple of days ago. He wanted to have powers, to be mutated. He told me he wanted to be a hero" Anna started to explain "He looked different than usual. When I met him he had a full head of black hair and didn't have glowing blue scars. He used to have brown eyes but now one is red and the other purple"

The cop took note of what Anna said and then continued "Some witnesses from the scene said the man turned into smoke"

  "Yes, he was able to turn his body into red smoke and from what I saw the smoke he turned into was poisonous and that's how he killed the officers in the helicopter, by poisoning them" Anna continued

  "Who started the fight?" He then asked

  "He did" Anna answered

The officer just stared at Anna, like if he didn't believe her and tried to stare her down. Anna just looked at him confused, wondering why he didn't seem to believe her. "I didn't start it, he did. He just suddenly appeared, apparently he was looking for me, wanted to show me his new power but people were scared of him and ran away and it made him mad"  Anna added

  "Are you sure" The officer said

Anna was shocked, why wasn't he believing her. Anna's heart was beating quickly, was he going to lock her up because he thought she was lying, was she going to get in trouble.

  "I swear I didn't start it. I tried to save the people, I didn't want anyone to get hurt" Anna said to the officer, her voice shaking as she tried not to cry.

"I believe you" He then said

Anna sighed in relief, for a moment she thought he would accuse her for starting this whole thing. The officer took his last notes and looked towards the mirror and nodded. Seconds later the door of the interrogation room opened. Anna walked out and went to see Sam and out her arms around him.

  "You can't leave just yet" The cop then said. Anna looked up at Sam and then at the officer wondering what he was talking about. "You are still a fugitive and many people want to see you locked up"

Anna held Sam tighter, she was afraid they were going to grab her and drag her away. "So what, you're going to lock her up" Sam said

The officer looked over at the other cops, they all nodded at each other and tuned to the kid again. "We won't lock you up, not yet anyway. You're cooperation to understand who this red smoke is was helpful. We will let you leave but you must not get into any more trouble. We don't want you getting into fights, limit your time away from home and if you see or hear anything about that man you must report it to us. We will come and visit you every week or so for some updates on the matter"

Anna nodded. She took Sam's hand and they left the police station. Anna did not say a word, she didn't feel like saying anything. She felt so stupid, she felt like it was all her fault this all happened. Sam and Anna got into the car. Sam turned on the radio, there was a women talking, talking about Anna. Sam was about to change channel but Anna grabbed his hand, she wanted to listen.

"Only a couple of hours ago there was an attack in Washington. Many people are debating on who started the fight. Was it the fugitive Anna or better know as Nuclear or this man who could turn into Red smoke. From what we have seen and heard, a very tall and scary looking man appeared making people run away in fear from him. Cops then arrived at the scene and the man attacked them killing some of the officers." The women went on explaining everything that happened with the helicopter and Anna saving all those people. "Was this and act of heroism. Did this fugitive just save the lives of all these people. Many of us are starting to question whether she is actually bad or not. We must not forget that this girl must be about 12 or 13 years old. Almost everyone at the scene of the incident said that the young girl saved all their lives and without her they would all probably be dead." The lady finished

Sam looked over at Anna "Sounds like you're a hero now" He said

  "I don't want to be a hero" Anna answered

  "Then what do you want to be?" Sam asked

  "Nothing, I want to be nothing" Anna replied

Sam took a deep breath and pulled over the car. Anna looked at him wondering what he was doing. "Listen up kid. I know you've been through a lot but you got to understand, you'll never be nothing. No matter how hard you try to be invisible you won't be. People will always be looking at you. What you did today was amazing, all those people you've saved. I know your young and you just want this to go away but it won't. Look I know the cops told you to stay out of trouble but do you really think they will be able to catch that guy"

  "No" Anna answered "What are you trying to say?"

  "I want you to find him but you won't be alone, Wanda and I will help." Sam continued

  "No, no, no I'm not doing it, I don't want to do it. I'm done okay. I want to go into hiding, change country, disappear..." Anna said

  "Are you really going to do nothing and just hide forever?" Sam asked

Anna looked at him and didn't answer, no many things were going thought her head, she didn't know how to feel, how to react, what to say. All she wanted was to be normal but what if Sam was right, was that never going to happen, was she always going to be the crazy girl with powers that everyone looks at like a zoo animal...

Author's note: What did you guys think. Do you think Anna will accept to help find Kai or will she be to scared. Do you think the cops will be able to find him on their own? Tell me what you think in the comments. Please vote and share with your friends! I hope you are all enjoying the story:)

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