Chapter 5 ☾ The man in black

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Anna got has far away from the diner as she possibly could. Not only was she on the run from those people with the octopus skull logo but she didn't want to be on the run from the police as well. Anna was very tired and had to find somewhere to sleep but she had no were to go. She found a bench on the side of the road and layed down on it. She stared up at the sky and looked at the stars. They were so nice, it felt like it's been forever since she's seen the stars. Tears started to fall down her cheeks, she started to think about everything that happened, how was all this possible. Just two weeks ago she was home with her mother and now she was running away from bad men with radiation taking over her body and was barely able to control it. It all happened so fast, so suddenly. Anna wiped her tears, it was no time for crying, she wasn't going to cry. She knew what had to be done, she knew what she had to do, she had to kill Tony Stark the one who ruined her life. Anna got off of the bench and kept on walking. She found a drug store opened 24 hours. Anna walked in and couldn't help but notices the judging looks from the cashier. She started to look through the aisles, she took two bags of chips, some cookies, sandwiches and three bottles of water. Anna made her way towards the door when the cashier stopped her.

"You have to pay for that!" He shouted.

Anna rolled her eyes and kept on walking.

"Hey stop!" He said.

The boy made his way away from the counter and grabbed Anna's arm. She dropped half her stuff and she turned around not please.

"Let me go!" Anna said roughly

"Pay for that stuff and I will"

"I said let me go" Anna said again and grabbed the boys arm tightly.

Pain seemed to flush over the boys face. His skin started to blister "What are you doing to me" He shouted in pain. Anna didn't let go, the blister took over his arm and went up to his face. He started to turn red like if he was burning up. Blood started to drip down his eyes, the boy was shouting with pain has Anna looked him straight in the eyes. He then fell onto the floor, dead. Anna picked up her stuff and went and get a bag behind the counter and put her things in it. She then melted the cash with her hands and hit it. It opened and there was about 200 American dollars inside. Anna grabbed all of it and put it in the bag. She then left the store. Anna went to sit down on a different bench and ate some of the sandwiches, half the pack of cookies, she then jugged down a whole bottle of water. Once she was done eating, she picked her bag up and tried to find a bus station or something, Anna walked until morning, even if she was exhausted she didn't want to stop, she wanted to find Stark. It had to be about six in the morning when Anna saw a sight written Train Station. She walked towards the ticket booth and the man who worked there was half asleep. Anna waited in front of the booth waiting for the man to notice her but he never did. Anna knocked on the glass and the man woke up.

"Can I get a train ticket to New York" Anna asked

The man wrote down something on his old computer and a ticket printed out.

"That'll be 186$" Said the man

It was a lot of money and Anna was only going to be left with 14$. She took out her money and gave him the amount he asked for.

"Train will be passing in half an hour" The man said

Anna took the ticket and went to wait for the train. While she waited she finished her box of cookies. Half an hour later she got on the train, she gave her ticket to a man who worked on the train, he then gave it back to her and let her pass. She went around looking for a place to sit, while she passed by she noticed everyone staring at her, probably because of her eyes. Anna made her way to the back of the train where there weren't many people. She sat down and stared out the window watching the train leave the train station in Arizona.

"Why are your eyes glowing?" Anna turned around and saw a little girl standing near her.

"They aren't glowing" She said "They are just, very blue"

"Where are you from, you're not from here, your voice is funny, where are you from?" The little blond girl asked

"I'm from Austria" Anna answered

"I don't know what that is" The little girl said and then laughed

Anna couldn't help but smile a little, the little five year old girl was very cute. "What's your name?" She asked

"My name is Anna, and yours?" Anna asked

"Betty, come here" Shouted a women, it was the little girl's mother.

"Bye Anna" said Betty and ran towards her mother.

Anna didn't want the little girl to leave, she made her smile and she felt like she hasn't smiled in a while. Anna fell asleep for a while, she slept for a good three hours and then woke up to the sound of a bang. Anna jumped but then calmed down when she saw it was just someone who dropped their large luggage. Anna rubbed her eyes and stared at the man. He was wearing sun glasses and a black suit. She sat down a couple of seats away and opened up a laptop. Anna stared at him, something about him seemed off. The man looked over at Anna and then started to type something on his laptop. Anna analyzed him and noticed a ring on his finger, he heart skipped a beat when she noticed the logo on the ring, it was that octopus skull. Anna took a deep breath, she felt scared, was that man here for her, he must have been, why else would he be in the train at the same time has her, why else would he look over at her. Anna got up from her seat and made her way towards a crew member. The man dressed in a black suit stared at Anna as she walked away from him.

"Excuse me, where is the washroom?" Anna asked the crew member

"Right that way" He answered Anna

Anna made her way to the washroom getting further and further away from the man dressed in black. She kept on looking back and noticed he had gotten up from his seat and was walking in the same direction as Anna, she couldn't help but wonder if he was following her. Anna started walking faster, she finally made it to the washroom and ran inside. She locked the door and stared at herself in the mirror. She had to get out of here, she was so afraid, she just wanted to get out of this train...

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