Chapter 17☾Powers

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Anna didn't start any training yet, she didn't want to showcase her power to Geyr just yet and he was okay with that, Geyr said that he wasn't going to force Anna to do anything and she was going to chose when she wanted to start training. Geyr couldn't wait to see what this kid could do, he knew she had amazing power and just wanted to see her in action. Anna was staying at his house, he took her in, fed her and helped her out. Geyr and Anna got to know each other, everyday over dinner they would tell each other things about themselves so they could create trust and a mutual bond. Anna liker him very much, he was a very nice man and really did seem willing to help Anna.

It was late one night and Anna and Geyr were having supper when there was a knock on the door. Anna looked at the man wondering who it could be, but Geyr was has shock as Anna, he wasn't expecting anyone. The person knocked at te door again. Geyr told Anna to stay put as he got up and walked towards the door. He opened it and it was a german officer, Geyr made sure the door wasn't opened to widely so he wouldn't see Anna.

  "Hello sir, may we ask a few questions, we have been searching for a wanted girl and would like to know if you have any information about her. " the officer said

  "Huh, sure" Geyr said hesitantly.

  "Have you ever heard of Anna Schneider?" The officer asked

  "Well, yes I've heard of her, I think I've seen her on the news" Geyr answered

  "She was last seen here in the village and I would like to know if you've maybe seen her?" The officer continued

  "No, I haven't seen her" Geyr replied

  "A witness told us that they saw you talking to her near the lake the day she attacked police officers at a shop" Added the officer.

Geyr's heart started to beat quickly and so did Anna's who was listening quietly from the inside of the house. "Well, I did talk to a kid, a little girl who was crying by the lake saying she got lost and didn't know where her parents were" lied Geyr

The officer looked at Geyr suspiciously, he wasn't sure if he believed him or not "are you lying to me?" The officer said

  "Lying! No of course not, I would never lie to an officer" Geyr said acting as if that offended him.

  "Well then, those are all the question's I have, we'll be in touch" the officer finished and left the premises.

Geyr closed the door and let out a long sigh. He walked back in the kitchen and sat back down and started to eat. Anna stared at him, he just lied for her, he could've easily said he had her and given her away but no, he protected her.

  "What will happen if they find out I'm here?" Anna asked

  "They won't" Geyr answered with a smirk.

Anna played around with her food before taking another bite. "When can we start training" Anna asked

Geyr dropped his fork and looked up at the girl all happily "huh, tomorrow" he answered

With excitement, Anna smiled "then I should probably go get some rest" Anna said.

She picked up her plate and put it in the sink. She walked upstairs and made her way to a small room with a sofa-bed, that's were she slept. She closed the door of her room got into some pyjamas and walked towards the mirror. She looked at herself, she looked at her weird blue and green eyes and took a deep breath. Tomorrow she was going to find out what powers she had, she had faith that Geyr was going to be able to help her. Anna finally got into bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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