Chapter 16☾Euroforce

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Anna ran as far as possible. Anna went where she would go when she wanted to be alone. There was a small lake a little further down the town near this hill, it had a very beautiful view and was very relaxing. Anna went to sit on the grass near the water, she was crying. She picked up a rock and threw it as far as possible into the water and shouted. She felt like her life would never be normal, people would always recognize her to be the freaky girl with powers who tried to kill a 'hero'. She wished that that serum would've worked, she so wanted to have no more powers but all it seemed to do was give her more and make her more powerful. What she did back in the shop shocked her, she could feel the vibrations of her power in her body like if it just wanted to come out, but she had to keep it in, she couldn't keep on hurting people.

"Beautiful view isn't it" Said a man's voice

Anna jumped up and turned around with her hands in front of her. The man had a smile on his face and didn't seem afraid of Anna. He looked at the water and walked towards the lake and stood next to Anna.

"I love this spot" He said "I came here for the first time when I came to visit my grand-parents when I was a kid. I loved it here"

Anna stared at the guy has he kept on talking wondering what he was trying to do, why was he talking to her, she knew he must of wanted something from her. The man finally stopped talking and looked at Anna still with a friendly smile on his face. "My name is Geyr Kluge" The man then said putting his hand out so Anna could shake it, she hesitantly shook it. "You can top being so afraid, I'm not here to hurt you Anna"

"How do you know my name?" She asked shocked

"I saw what you did back in New York, I know you've been here for a while and I know what happened in that shop" The man started. Anna looked up at him curiously, she was freaked out about how much he knew "Your powers are pretty amazing and I want to help you. I'm a scientist, I used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D"

"Help me?" Anna laughed "People keep on saying they want to help me but never do. How can I trust you, how do I know you say who you are?"

"You don't have to believe me. From what it sounds I'm not the first to offer you help. I've studied people like you and I know how to help you but if you don't want my help that's fine" said Geyr. He then took out a piece of paper and wrote down an address and handed it to Anna. Geyr smiled at her and walked away from the girl.

She looked down at the address and then looked back up at Geyr and watched him as he walked away. She wanted to follow him, what if he was telling the truth, but how can she trust him, she doesn't even know him and last time a scientist wanted to help her, he made her kill animals. Anna stayed by the water until the sun went down, it started to get cold and she started to shiver. Anna had no were to go and she didn't want to have to sleep out in the open afraid someone would come across her. Anna took out that piece of paper with that man's address on it and looked at it. She had finally convinced herself to go and waited for it to get dark outside before walking in the main village. Anna took of her contacts so it could be easier for her to see in the dark. That was one of the new powers she'd gotten from that serum, it made her be able to see in the dark. Anna walked all the way to the other end of the village to find a small house hidden behind a couple of trees. She looked at the address on the paper and then back at the house, she was at the right place. She hesitantly walked towards it and knocked on the door three time, that man Geyr opened the door and smiled when he noticed it was Anna.

"Nice to see you decided to stop by" Geyr said and moved out of the way so Anna could enter the house. She walked inside and looked around, it wasn't big but it was cute. Geyr closed the door and followed Anna who curiously scanned each room. Geyr made his way to the tiny kitchen and got a pot of tea and two cup and placed them on the table. Anna watched Geyr every movement, she went to sit down at the table and Geyr poured her some tea. He then walked over to a cabinet and took out from it a file and put it on the table so Anna could look at it. She took it and opened it, it was a file about him. It was all his information, from him working at S.H.I.E.L.D to him being the leader of euroforce, not one bit of information was left out.

"Why did you give me this?" Anna asked

"I want you to trust me, and for you to trust me, you should know me" Geyr said

Something about this man made Anna feel comfortable, she felt like she could trust him but she wasn't going to tell him anything or let him do anything until she was absolutely sure. "How much do you know about me?" Anna asked

"Well, I know you have these radiation type abilities which is pretty impressive, I know the things you've done, the people you killed the damage you made, and I also know you changed." Geyr started "I kept an eye on you while you were here, after that stunt you pulled at that shop, I knew something had to be different, I studied those tapes of you and what you did at that shop wasn't normal, was it?"

"Well, nothing I do is normal" Anna answered.

"I want to show you something" The man then said with a burst of excitement. He pushed his chair back and walked towards this door. He opened it to revile some stairs that lead towards a lower level. He opened up the lights and started too walked down. Anna cautiously followed him and was surprised to see what was down stairs. "What is this?" Anna asked

"You aren't the first person I've met with powers you know. There was this one girl I met, she had to be about nineteen when I found her, she had this amazing power, could create electricity with her hands and electrocute anyone within a mile. She couldn't control her power either and I helped her. I created this place, this is where I trained her into learning to control her powers. I don't know if this place will be able to contain your powers, but it's worth a shot" Geyr explained

This place was perfectly equipped for training. Anna walked around and saw some pictured framed on the wall. One of them was Geyr with the euroforce team, others were individual pictures of different people.

"Those are some of the people who worked with me" Geyr explained

This all seemed so real, it all seemed to be possible that this guy was actually telling the truth. Anna had nothing to lose, she had to give it a shot, it's not like she had any better options. "I'm willing to give this a shot. I'll let you help me but I'm allowed to leave when I want" Anna said

"Deal!" Geyr exclaimed. He seemed so excited and happy that Anna accepted his help. Anna just really hoped this guy was the real deal...

Author's note: hi guy's, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Do you guys think Anna should trust this Geyr guy? Comment and tell me what you think. Don't forget to vote and share this story with your friends.

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