Chapter 20☾The List

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Anna and the man sat outside of a small coffee shop. Anna was wearing Sam's hoodie with his sunglasses. The man was drinking coffee, he had offered to by Anna one but she had refused.

"My name is Kai by the way" the man said

Anna was looking down at her nails, she didn't care for anything the man had to say, the only reason she accepted to talk to him was so he could leave her alone.

"What you do is so amazing. You are so strong and powerful" the man added.

"Why do you seem to excited about this. You should be scared! Fearing for your life" Anna cut in.

Kai smirked "the only reason people are afraid of you is because you are powerful, it's because they can't control you" He replied

"And whats makes you not afraid of me?" Anna asked

"I want to understand you. Be like you" Kai said

"Be like me!" Anna exclaimed. She backed away from Kai "you do not want to be like me! You don't know what it's like"

"You're denying yourself great power and control over everything" Kai explained

"I'm not denying anything from myself. What I have isn't fun, it isn't a game." Anna said coldly "what's your deal anyway, I know you don't want to talk about 'the great power and control I'm denying myself'"

"You're right, I want to talk about something else. I want to learn about your abilities, hoe you got them. How does it work?" Kai continued

By what the man was asking, Anna realized this guy wasn't just interested in her abilities, but maybe he wanted them to. By the way he talked and asked question's so curiously it made Anna think. Was this man trying to become like her, or was he already.

"Do you have abilities?" Anna suddenly asked Kai ignoring his question.

"No" Kai answered with a look of disappointment.

"So you want them then. You want to have abilities?" Anna added

"What I want, is to be more powerful and if thats with te help of abilities so be it" Kai answered

Anna was shocked, how was it all she wanted was to get rid of this burden while all Kai wanted was to have was Anna has.

"You don't know what you're saying. You should think about this more. This is not what you want" Anna said to him.

She got up and started to leave, she didn't want to talk anymore, this man started to give her the creeps.

"Wait!" He said and got up as well. "This isn't for a selfish reason. I want to help people, I want to be like captain America, like the avengers. I want to be a hero"

Anna rolled her eyes, this guy had to be joking. "You don't want to be a hero"

Anna kept on going, she knew the man wasn't following her. He was delusional, taken over by this crazy dream, did he really think that good things came out of having abilities like herself. Anna couldn't help thinking about what Kai had said. He wanted to be a hero. This made her laugh. Most people who start of by saying that end up becoming the villain.

Anna made her way back to Sam's apartment. She looked around and saw that neither Wanda nor Sam were home yet. She sighed in relief and went to sit down on the couch. She took the remote and was about to open the television when she looked over at it and remembered what she did. She threw the remote onto the couch and sighed. She layed down and looked up at the ceiling and let her thoughts take over her. Anna started to wonder, what ever happened to Geyr, was he in prison back in Germany. She was worried for him, they were so many miles appart now. She wanted to help him so badly, like he did with her, she owed him and all she was doing was hiding out here. A few moments later Sam and Wanda walked inside the apartment.

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