Chapter 2 ☾ A radioactive girl

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Doctor Turgeon was analyzing a blue substance that was contained in a way it can not be exposed to anything. He seemed very interested in the substance but confused as well. Doctor list, another scientist walked inside the lab.

  "What is that?" Doctor List asked curiously.

  "Blood" Doctor Turgeon answered

  "Blood, what kind of species did you get that from?"

  "That's what I'm trying to find out" Doctor Turgeon had never seen blood like this. The blood sample was radioactive and the radioactivity in it was very high, high enough to kill anything that  comes in contact with it. "I extracted this from the kid"

  "The kid? She has glowing blue blood" Doctor List said

  "It's radioactive. This girl, is very, very special. Her body is practically completely composed of radioactivity, this can kill anyone that comes to contact with it but it's not killing the girl, she seems to be immune to it" Doctor Turgeon explained.

He then left the blood sample and got the hazmat suit and out it on.

  "Where are you going doctor?" Doctor List asked

  "To talk to the girl" He answered and left the lab.

Doctor Turgeon walked inside the room where Anna was kept. She was sleeping so the doctor woke her up by gently pocking her. Anna opened her bright neon blue eyes and looked up at the doctor.

  "I have a few questions to ask you?" The doctor said. 

  "Why?" Anna asked

  "So we can figure out how this happened to you" Doctor Turgeon answered

  "How what happened to me. No one has explained anything, why wont anyone tell me why my eyes have changed from brown to neon blue, whats going on, why am I here, what is this place!" Anna said unnerved

  "Now, now lest calm down. I have an Idea, how about I ask you one question and then you ask me one" Doctor Turgeon suggested.

Anna nodded in agreement and took a deep breath.

  "Now, can you tell me what exactly happened the day of the bombing?" He asked

  "I was talking to my mother, it all happened to quickly, a bomb suddenly went off and the apartment collapsed" Anna explained

  "Did you see anything, anything strange, out of the norm"

  "Its my turn to ask a question"

Doctor Turgeon lifted his head but didn't say anything else.

  "Why am I here?" Anna asked

  "Because you are contagious and we are trying to find a way for you to not be" Doctor Turgeon answered, but that wasn't the complete truth

  "But why, what do I have that is so dangerous?" Anna then asked

  "Ah, ah, ah, it's my turn" Doctor Turgeon said "now, did you see anything out of the norm, anything unusual?"

  "Yes, I did, a weird neon light, i touch it, and it shocked me in a way, felt like it was hurting my bones" Anna said

  "To your bones?"

  "Yes. Now, what is it I have, whats wrong with me?"

  "You are infected with Radiation, something seemed to have happened to you in the bombing. You are like a walking radioactive objet ready to spread it to everyone, the only thing is, it's not killing you but using you as a source to live" Doctor Turgeon explained. Anna was shocked and wasn't to sure if she understood. "Now if that's all"

Doctor Turgeon turned around and left. Anna wanted to ask more but didn't know what, she was so scared so confused.

Doctor Turgeon made his way back to the lab, Doctor List was still there.

  "We need to get her bone marrow" Doctor Turgeon said

  "Bone Marrow?" Doctor List asked to make sure he understood correctly.

  "Yes, she said she touched something that felt like it went down to her bones" Doctor Turgeon said "we'll do this quick"

Doctor Turgeon got the stuff he needed, needles he needed to do what he had to do. Doctor List put on a hazmat suit as well and they made their way into Anna's containment room. She was watching television and turned around surprised to see the doctor back with someone else. When she saw the needles in their hands she started to panic.

  "What are you doing?" Anna asked

  "Nothing, it's not going to hurt, it will be quick" Doctor Turgeon said

But the needles where so big Anna had a hard time believe him. She tried to avoid them but there was no place to go. She was so scared, she didn't like the needles they put in her, she felt like an experiment they had fun pocking at and it always hurt. Anna ran towards the door and started to hit on it.

  "Help, help, get me out, help" Anna shouted

  "Anna, lest not do this again" doctor Turgeon said. Anna kept on hitting the door. "Pin her down, get the anesthetic needle"

Doctor List did as told. He got the needle and pinned Anna
onto her stomach. He took her arm and put the anesthetic in her. Even with the anesthetic Anna would still feel pain. Since she was drugged she wasn't able to get up. Doctor Turgeon put the giant needle into her arm to extract her bone marrow. Anna shouted in pain, tears rolled down her eyes, she felt like she was dying...

Hours later, Anna woke up on the floor with the biggest pain in her arm, it felt like it weighed a thousand pound. Anna still had wet tears on her cheek. Once she finally had the strength to get up she walked towards the large mirror that was actually a one sided window.

  "I know there must be someone watching me, and whoever you are I'm going to get out, you can't keep me here! I want to go home and I will go home! I want to get revenge on Stark for killing my mother and I will! You can't just keep me here I'm not a prisoner!" Anna shouted.

She fell onto her knees and started to cry. Her tears feel onto the floor and burned a small hole into the wood. She looked at her hands and wondered, maybe she could brake out of here, maybe she could get out, if her tears can burn a whole in the floor, what can the rest of her do.

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