Chapter 22: The innocent

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Anna knew Kai was going to attack the helicopter and kill or at least try, to kill the officers inside. Anna didn't think twice and enveloped Kai's smoke body into a cosmic orb. He tried getting out of it but wasn't able to. Anna was directing back towards the ground. Kai was pushing to bring the orb back up. It was odd how strong Kai was considering he was just smoke. Anna was forcing really hard to pull him down. Kai suddenly started to turn back into himself, he was no longer smoke but a solid human figure. Anna didn't know what he was trying to do but she had to act fast. She let the cosmic orb disappear, Kai didn't see that coming and started falling to the ground. Anna then shot her hand forwards letting a cosmic ring hit him making him go flying. Before he hit the ground Kai turned back into smoke and started to fly back up.

People started getting closer to the fight, taking out their phones and camera's to film it. "Get back! Get back! It isn't safe!" Anna shouted at them but they didn't seem to care and stayed where they were. Kai started making his way back towards the Anna and as he did that the officers in the helicopter started shooting at him which did nothing since the bullets just went through his smoke body.

"Come on Kai, lest talk about this" Anna said

"There is nothing to talk about, I'm not a bad guy, I'm here to help but I won't let these ignorant people try to kill me" Kai answered and changed his route back towards the helicopter filled with officers.

"I can't let you do this" Anna shouted at him

She created another cosmic orb around Kai but this time she created two with some smoke in one and smoke in the other so Kai couldn't turn back to normal without being cut in half.

More cops arrived and all ran towards the scene. They had their guns pointed at Anna. "No, don't point them at me!" Anna exclaimed, she was in trouble.

"Stand down! Put your arms down!" They yelled wanting her to stop using her powers

"I'm trying to save your men!" Anna shouted

"Get down now" The officer shouted at Anna

She couldn't let Kai go, she tried dragging him down but as soon as she made a move a cop shot her with a tranquilizer. Anna fell to the ground losing grip of her powers and Kai broke free from the cosmic orbs. He made his way towards the helicopter and let his smoke body spread. You could hear the yelled of the officers from where Anna was. Kai poisoned the cops with his smoke. There were gun shots coming from inside of the helicopter, one of them was trying to fight back but he didn't seem to have seceded since Kai was able to escape.

"Everybody run!" Shouted one of the cops back down on the ground pointing up at the helicopter that started plummeting towards the ground.

Anna who was still trying to recover from the shot watched as everyone shouted in fear trying to get away. She looked around, she knew someone was going to die, that helicopter was going to hit someone, it could hit her to if she didn't get up. Anna was able to sit up, and seconds before the helicopter came in contact with innocent civilians, she lifted her arms, using the mass and molecules around her she created some sort of shield over the people heads. The helicopter landed on the shield instead of the civilians. It was very heavy and it felt like Anna was holding the helicopter with her bare hands.

"Everyone get out! Get out of the way, find some place safe! GET OUT!" Anna shouted

With no hesitation the people started running away from what could've been their ultimate death. Anna started to get tired, she wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer. All of a sudden she saw some red smoke making it's way towards her. Before it had the chance to touch her Anna jumped out of the way which caused her to lose focus and the shield that held up the helicopter disappeared. The helicopter fell to the ground and exploded. Anna protected herself from the debris flying her way by creating a cosmic orb around herself. Once it was clear, she made the orb disappear. She saw Kai standing in the shadows with a smirk on his face. She started walking towards him ready to attack once he turned back into smoke but he didn't, he just stood there waiting for her.

"You think you're being a hero!" Anna exclaimed "You just killed a whole helicopter filled with officers and you could've killed innocent people to if I hadn't saved them!"

"I had no choice, they were going to kill me. I didn't want to but I had to. You know what I'm talking about" Kai answered

Anna didn't answer because she did know what he was talking about since she had done the same once upon a time. "don't include me in your little massacre. No one is going to want you to save them now, all they want now is to track you down at lock you up"

"And how are they going to catch smoke" Kai smirked and sent red smoke towards Anna. She blocked it with her powers and at the same time Kai turned into smoke and disappeared before Anna had the time to notice.

He was gone and she didn't know where he was going. She looked around, people started getting closer watching her with curiosity and a bit of fear. Anna started freaking out, there were so many eyes on her, she didn't like it, she didn't want this attention, she had to get out of here. Anna started running back towards Sam's apartment.

"ANNA! What happened?" Exclaimed Wanda who was running towards Anna.

Anna jumped in Wanda's arms. Wanda saw that people were staring, she carried the girl inside Sam's apartment. Sam was standing outside staring at Anna with confusion and surprise.

"What did you do!" exclaimed Sam

"I didn't do anything, it was that guy, his name is Kai" Anna started

"Guy, what guy!" said Wanda cutting Anna off

"I met him maybe more than a week ago. He has powers, he turned himself like me, like us. He can turn into poisonous red smoke and shoot it at people. He would talk to me about him wanted to be a hero but he ended up killing some police officers just now. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. He got away" Anna explained trying to hold back her tears but that failed.

There was a knock on the door that startled everyone in the room. They all looked at the door hesitant whether they should open it or not. There was another knock "Police open up". Sam looked over at the two girls. He put his finger on his lips signalling the girls to not make a sound. He walked slowly towards the door and opened it.

"How may I help you?" He asked

"We were informed that A young girl named Anna Schneider entered this apartment" The officer said

"I'm sorry no one is here" Sam answered and was about to close the door put the officer blocked it with his hand

"We need to ask the girl some questions" The cop said to Sam

Anna who was with Wanda in the kitchen was listening to what they were saying. She decided to leave the kitchen and made her way towards the door. "I'm here" Anna said

Sam looked at her with shock and gave her the what-are-you-doing look. Anna gave him a nod telling him it was fine and that she knew what she was doing. Anna then followed the cops out of the apartment. Wanda ran out as well and followed them, she wasn't going to leave Anna alone. 

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