Chapter 18☾Washington

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Anna and Geyr were sitting inside the transparent box room. Geyr had all his notes layed out and a video of Anna's training with him. Anna had accepted Geyr to film the training so they could rewatch it and analyze her powers and abilities.

  "So that's it then, that's my power?" Anna said

  "Yes, it's really impressive" Geyr added

  "But how, how did my power become like this?" Anna asked

  "It's obvious if you think about it. Your radiation mixed with the cure to create cosmic radiation inside you but you're body reacted to it and it changed inside you which makes you be able to manipulate cosmic energy" Geyr explained

  "So that's my power then, cosmic manipulation" Anna said

Geyr nodded "There are so many things you can do with cosmic manipulation, you just need to get stronger, all the things you can unlock within yourself, you could be the most powerful person in the world"

  "No!" Anna exclaimed. Geyr looked up at her surprised "I don't want to be the most powerful being in the world, I just wanted to understand what this new power was and learn how to control it so I wouldn't end up exploding. I don't want to learn anything new, I don't want to unlock anything"

Geyr saw he struck something in her and knew he shouldn't pull on that tread. Geyr wanted Anna to use her full power but he knew she didn't want to and he couldn't force her to do or be something she didn't want. He had finally just gotten Anna's full trust and he wasn't going to lose it.

Every day for the past couple of weeks, Anna would go down stairs with Geyr so she could practice her abilities. She would always limit herself and only do small things, she wouldn't levitate or move anything to big, she wouldn't create object bigger than her hand and would only sometimes practice sending comic ring beams towards the target on the wall. Geyr would always try to add something for her to try but Anna would always refuse. One day, after training, Anna layed down on the couch, she was so drained so tired she just wanted to sleep forever. Geyr was getting ready to go out since they were low on food and he needed to stop by a shop to get some stuff.

  "I'll be back soon Anna" Geyr said to her and walked out of the house.

Anna closed her eyes and started to fall asleep. Fifteen minutes had passed and there was a loud bang. Anna woke up startled and looked towards the door thinking it was Geyr who was back but it wasn't. She looked around and didn't see anyone. There was another bang and this time she jumped on her feet, the source of the sound was coming from the back door. Anna started to slowly walk towards it, she put her hear on the door trying to listen for a sound when there was another bang and the door flew opened making Anna fall on the ground. Four officers entered Geyr's house and looked down at Anna who was on the ground.

  "She's here" One officer said as he spoke into a walkie-talkie.

Anna scrambled onto her feet and was about to run the other way when an officer tranquilized her. Anna fell back onto the ground as she was handcuffed and dragged out of Geyr's house. Her vision was blurry but she was able to see a figure, Geyr's figure entering the house and seeing Anna being dragged out. He started to shout her name and ran towards her as some other officers tackled him onto the ground. Anna started tearing up, why did this always have to happen. Anna was put in the back of a police truck, two officers stayed with her. Anna tried to use her powers to undo her cuffs but couldn't, she was too weak too tired to do anything. The truck had seemed to come to a sudden stop, both officers looked over at Anna wondering if it was her doing but the realized it couldn't have been by the looks of her at the moment. One of the officers got up and hit the wall of the front of the truck.

  "Was ist los? (What's going on?)" Shouted the officer

Before anyone had the chance to answer the back doors of the truck swung opened. A girl appeared and made the two officers who were with Anna hit the wall of the truck and tell fell unconscious. Anna's eyes started to adjust and looked at the girl who had stopped the truck.

  "Wanda?" Anna said

Wanda picked Anna up and got her out of the truck. They were out of the village so they weren't surrounded by people. Wanda had used her chaos magic to stop the truck from moving and knocked out all of the officers.

  "What's going on? Where did you come from? Where is Geyr" Anna asked

  "Lest get out of here and I'll explain everything okay" Wanda said, Anna nodded.

Anna didn't speak anymore and let Wanda carry her, she was so tired and decided to close her eyes.

Anna woke up, she was laying of the ground with pillows under her and a blanket over her. She looked around and seemed to be in a plane. Anna got up and started to walk towards the front when Wanda appeared.

"Oh, your up" Wanda said with a smile.

"Why are we in a plane?" Anna asked

"Well, we couldn't stay in Germany" Wanda said

"Where are we going?" Anna then asked

  "Washington" Wanda answered

  "What happened to Geyr, do you know where Geyr is" Anna said

Wanda didn't seem to know what Anna was talking about "I'm sorry Anna, I don't know who that is" Wanda replied

  "He's the one to helped me, who took me in. He's my friend! The officers have him, what if he gets in trouble" Anna started to get agitated. Wanda tried to calm her down and took her hand but Anna pulled away.

  "Listen Anna. I was looking for you and only you. I saw on the news something about in attack in a local shop back in Germany. I knew it was you so I asked Sam, the one who is flying the plane, if he could get me here. I was walking around the village and that was when I saw these officers braking into a house and then pulling you out moments later. I didn't know that this man who you speak of was with you." Wanda explained.

Anna backed up and went to sit down. She took a deep breath and pulled her knees to her chest. "He's my friend Wanda, we have to help him" Anna said with a low voice

  "We will, but not now" Wanda answered

  "Hey Wanda, we're landing" Said Sam from the front of the plane. 

The plane landed in Washington moments later on a abandoned track. All three got out of the plane. Anna took Wanda's hand as they walked towards a car. Wanda and Anna both sat in the back as Sam got in the drivers seat. Before taking off, Sam turned to Anna.

  "I'm Sam Wilson by the way" He said with a smile.

  "I'm Anna" she answered shyly smiling back at the man.

The three of them made their way back at a small apartment in Washington DC, it was Sam's apartment.

  "We are going to stay here for a while" Wanda told Anna. Anna nodded and watched as Sam walked around and started to cook up something.

  "Is he a good guy?" Anna then asked

  "Yes he is, you could trust him." Wanda replied.

Anna looked around the small apartment, looked like this was were she was living for now...

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