Chapter 19☾Lest talk

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Anna watched Sam with a close eye, she didn't know anything about him and he didn't know anything about her. Sam was sitting at the kitchen table reading something while he ate. Anna went to sit down facing him, he didn't seem to have realize she was there and kept on reading. Anna fake coughed to get his attention. Sam put whatever he was reading down and looked at Anna who was staring at him.

"Why are you letting me stay here?" She asked

Sam seemed surprised by that question "well, Wanda asked for help and it was the least I could do" Sam answered

"You aren't afraid of me?" Anna then wondered

"Well, of course I'm a little afraid of you. But I've seen people do worse things then you, trust me" Sam replied

Anna looked down at her feet. Sam found that Anna looked a little sad "would you like some pancakes?" He the asked her

Anna looked up and a small smile appeared on her face. She nodded and Sam got up to get some premade pancakes, put them in a plate and gave it to Anna. "Thank you" she said c

Anna and Sam started talking, hd found the little girl interesting and liked her. Anna found Sam very nice and funny, he was easy to talk to.

"So you've never been to Washington before?" Sam said

"No, I've never really had time to visit places" Anna answered.

"I think we should go on a tour, it'll be fun!" Sam exclaimed

Anna had a big smile on her face. She would love to go visit Washington with her new friend.

"Now isn't a good time" Wanda said as she walked in the room a disrupted Anna and Sam's conversation. "You shouldn't leave the apartment for to long nor go to far. People are still looking for you Anna, you need to lay low" Wanda explained

Anna nodded, she knew Wanda was right, if she wanted to be free and safe she had to sacrifice going out for a while.

Anna didn't have much to do at Sam's apartment. She sat on the living room couch going through the channels on the television. There was nothing interesting on, she never stayed on the same channel for more then five seconds. Has she scrolled, she suddenly saw her face on the television. She put the remote down shocked about seeing herself on the news again. It was a video footage of her training when she was staying with Geyr back in Germany. She started to freak out. The video then paused and a women appeared.

"The video was found by some police officers in Germany after Doctor Geyr Kluge was arrested for housing a convicted criminal, Anna Schneider, who people have been calling Nuclear. After searching is house, the officers came across a room that seemed to be used to train Anna to control her abilities. Several videos have been found of her using her abilities. We just showed you the first clip, and here is another..." the women on the television said as the image changed to Anna shooting cosmic rings at the target on the wall.

"As you can see this thirteen year old girl is very dangerous and needs to be stopped. She seemed to have gotten even stronger then when we last saw her when she was attacking Tony Stark. Make sure to keep a look out for Anna and report to the authorities if you have any information about the dangerous girl" finished the news cast lady.

Anna stood up "I AM NOT A MONSTER!" She shouted and put her hand into a fist staring straight at the television. Ot started to crush it's self.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! My tv!" Sam exclaimed

Wands then entered the room to the crushed television "what happened?" She asked.

Anna turned to the two with tears in her eyes "I'm not a monster" she murmured mostly to herself.

Wanda walked up to her and pulled her into a hug and held her tightly. "It's going to be okay Anna" Wanda said to her "what's going on?" She then asked

"They keep on saying I'm a bad person" Anna cried "they found the tapes"

Wanda didn't know what she was talking about and neither did Sam. Wanda gave Sam a head signal and he made his way to the kitchen and opened up his laptop and did a reacher to see what these tapes Anna was talking about were. It didn't take long before Sam found the videos. He was shocked, he'd never seen someone, except maybe Wanda, do the things Anna did.


Anna sat by the window watching as two young kids ran around having fun. She wished she could do that to just go out and have fun but she knew she couldn't. She was just able to imagine those two children running away in fear once they realized who she was. Anna's been stuck inside Sam's house for about three weeks and she still wouldn't be able to leave for quite some time ever since that news about her got out. Anna craved to go out and play with other kids her age. Sam was out and so was Wanda, they had some business to attend to. Anna knew she shouldn't go out but she couldn't help herself, she had to get some fresh air. Anna walked into Sam's room and looked through his closet. She grabbed a black hoodie and put it on. She also took some sunglasses that were sam's as well so she could hide the colour of her eyes since they were so recognizable.

Anna made her way out of the apartment and put the hood of the hoodie on. She walked around for a bit enjoying the view and surroundings. Washington was a very beautiful place. Anna walked towards this fountain and stood in front of it admiring it. Anna saw a penny on the floor and was about to pick it up so she could throw it inside the fountain and make a wish but as she was about to some kids, who were running around, banged into her causing her to lose balance. Anna's sunglasses fell into the water.

"Shoot" She murmured to herself.

Anna tried to keep her head low so no one would spot her eyes. She got on her knees lifted her sleeve and put her hand inside the water trying to get her glasses.

"Lose something?" Asked a voice.

Anna turned her head to see a older man, had to be in his thirties, looking down at her.

"Uh, yes" Anna answered

The man stared straight at Anna's eyes and seemed to recognize her immediately. Anna's heart started to beat quickly, she knew she had to get our of there and get back to the apartment. Anna decided to leave the glasses and got up and started to walk away. The man watched has Anna left, he looked down at the fountain and picked up the glasses. He started to follow Anna. She noticed and started to walk even faster, was why this man following her, was what she was thinking.

"Hey! Hey! Kid, I have your glasses!" The man shouted.

Anna slowed down, maybe he hadn't recognized her after all. The man caught up and handed her the glasses as he took another look at her eyes.

"Thank you" Anna said and as she was about to turn around and leave the man said something.

"You're Nuclear aren't you?" He suddenly asked

Anna froze "I'm sorry but I don't know who that is" Anna answered abruptly and tried to walk away again.

"Your Anna, the Austrian girl with those crazy powers they call Nuclear" The man continued as he kept on following Anna.

"Leave me alone! I'm not Anna" Anna said trying not to shout.

"Yes you are, I've seen those eyes before. No one else in the world as eyes like that" the man added.

Anna turned around and charged towards the man, she put her hands on his neck ready to radiate him at any moment.

"What do you want!" Anna asked.

"I knew you were her" The man smiled

"What, do, you, want!" Anna asked again this time a little more rudely and insistent "are you going to call the police?"

"The police? No I wont. I wanted to talk actually" he answered

"Talk?" Anna asked

"Yes, Talk just talk, please. I won't hurt you, nor call the cops. Anyway if I do you could kill me in a instant anyway" The man said to her.

This was weird for Anna, she wasn't to sure what to do or what to say, she decided to let go of the man and took a step back.

"Fine, lest talk" Anna said

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