Nuclear Book 2 ☾Prologue

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"She's done so much, too much damage" Said a man who worked for the government

"You can't just do this. Please I beg you, I'll take care of her" Wanda said desperately

"You know the rules, the kid knew the rules. If she would've listened maybe this wouldn't have to happen" Said a police officer

"There must be something we can do. I mean there was a mad man out there. We couldn't just do nothing" Added Sam

"There are many things we could've done. The authorities could've taken care of this." The police officer told Sam

"The authorities wouldn't have done anything! You would've been dead if you would have tried to do something. Only Anna could have stopped it, only we could've stopped it!" Wanda was practically shouting at this point.

Sam put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back trying to get her to calm down.

"Too many people died, how many more have to. We will take this in our own hands. If you try to stop us there will be consequences" The government worker said.

Wanda couldn't let this happen, she didn't want this to happen but what could she do, she wasn't going to attack them, she knew it was unwise to stop them.

"Now if you excuse us" The police officer said and walked away. The government worker was following the officer but took a moment to say one last thing.

"I am sorry, truly. I know this must be hard, the girl must mean a lot to you but you must understand that things like this cannot go unpunished. If we let things be no one will feel safe anymore." The government worker said and took off.

Wanda held back her tears. Geyr walked in the room and once he saw Wanda he knew what the final decision had come to. He too wishes to that he could do something more but sometimes you can't and sometimes you just have to let this be...

Author's Note: This is a Short prologue. You might not understand what is going on but I assure you, you will once the second book is out. You all know what to do to get this second book published. Once this one gets to 1K read the second book will be released. Share this book with your friends and don't forget to vote and tell me what you think:) I also made the cover myself. I think it came out pretty well. I'm getting a lot better at this whole cover thing.


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