Chapter 21☾Red Smoke

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Kai was rewatching the tape of the day of the bombing in Vienna. He watched and rewatched the tape's of the security camera's of a bomb falling onto the apartment building Anna lived in. He analyzed everything trying to see if there was anything he missed, anything that could give him answers about how Anna got her powers. Kai suddenly pressed pause on the video. He noticed something odd falling from the sky. He wasn't quite sure what it was so he zoomed in on it. It was a glowing blue object. Kai had something like that with him, but he never noticed it in te video before. It didn't look like a bomb. Kai figured that this must of been the object that gave Anna her first set of powers. He took his computer and brought it inside this room where there were plenty of broken vials and jars, radiated objects that were contained in a secured spot of the room. Kai grabbed a suite he made himself to keep him away from the exposure of radiation. Before putting it on he took a modified glass jar that could contain high radiation without melting and cut the palm of his hand and let the blood drip inside it. He coved up his wound and got into his suite. With some pincers, Kai grabbed a piece of rubble that came from New York. It was from the avengers tower, it was contaminated with radiation that came from Anna the day she attacked Stark. Kai put it in the jar with his blood in it .there was a small reaction, the two substances were reacting together. Kai then walked over to a container where there was a small piece of a glowing blue object. He compared it to the picture of the glowing blue thing that fell from the sky the day of the bombing to make sure it was the same thing. Kai had a friend who worked in Austria as one of the rescuers from the bombing. His friend was the one who had found the piece of the blue object and sent it to Kai wanting him to help him figure out what it was. Kai had never done what his friend has asked wanting to use this glowing object from himself.

Kai had never realized that this might of been the thing that gave Anna her powers. He didn't know that it had fallen from the sky, he thought that maybe it was a piece of the bomb or it was already there. Not that it was fell from the sly on it's own. Kai took the glowing object with his pincers and put it in the jar. He then turned on the heat on the heat tablet and put the jar on it. It put it on full heat and the objects seemed to be melting together. The modified glass jar seemed to start having trouble staying intact. Kai knew he had to hurry. He was sure he finally cracked the code, that this was going to turn him like Anna. The first thing that should happen should be the different eye colour. Kai took off his suit and picked up a syringe. He took te now blue glowing liquid and put it in the syringe and injected himself with it before the syringe melted. The liquide entered his body. He watched as the glowing blue made it's way inside his blood stream. He was able to see it through his skin.

  "Ah!" Kai exclaimed. He started to feel a burning sensation in his arm. "Ouch! Ah! Ah!" He shouted.

As the blue liquide made its way through his body it seemed to burn him even more and not only in his arm anymore. Kai fell to the ground. He felt like the inside of his body was melting, he was burning up. Kai crawled towards the mirror on the wall. He used all his force to get up to look at himself. His eyes started to change colour. One turned blood red as the other turned purple.

"Yes, yes!" Kai exclaimed "it's working"

Kai's excitement wasn't there for long. He fell to the floor, the pain become even worse. He shouted in pain, he's never felt something so painful before. He looked at his arms, he's vains were popping out and were glowing blue you could see them through his skin. He felt different like if he was changing. He tried to grab the mirror on the wall but started seizing.


Anna was now allowed to leave the apartment. She wouldn't be allowed to go to far but it was for her safety and Anna understood, she was just happy she could go out. Anna was walking around the area in Sam's hoodie and sunglasses. It was a beautiful day today in Washington. Anna went over to that little coffee shop, Sam had given her a bit of money so she used that to get herself a hot chocolate. Anna went to drink it by that fountain. She was looking up at the view and watching the people walk around. They seemed to all be walking rapidly, they actually seemed to be in distress and were actually running away. Anna jumped on her feet and tried to see what they were running away from. Anna saw a very large tall man walked towards her. She'd never seen a man so tall before, he had to be about 7 foot 8. He had no hair and had glowing blue scars all over him.

  "Stop running, stop being scared! I'm not bad, I'm a good guy" the man said to the people running away from him.

Anna put her hot chocolate down and started walked towards the man. She then recognized the man, it was Kai. He didn't look like himself, he was very, very different, he was mutated. Anna didn't want him to see her, she hid behind a tree as he kept on yelling at the people who were running away from him that he wasn't bad. Sirens started to go off and cop cares started to arrive. About twenty cops arrived on sit and all pointed their guns at Kai.

  "What the!" Kai exclaimed. "I'm not a bad guy!" Kai seemed very upset about the police showing up.

Anna couldn't help but wonder what the hell he was doing and what made him think it was a good idea showing up in public looking like a freak. There was the sound of a gun shot. Anna saw that a officer shot Kai in the arm, he really wasn't happy about that.

  "I said that I WASN'T THE BAD GUY!" He shouted even louder. Kai stomped his foot on the ground that caused the ground to shake. All the officers around him and a couple of civilians fell to the ground.

  "All officers engage!" Shouted the head officers. All the cops jumped back up and started to shoot at Kai.

He smirked and his body started to disappear but it wasn't really disappearing, Kai seemed to have turned into a dark red smoke. The bullets went through him. He floated over to one if the officers and as his smoke body surrounded the officers body he started to burn and the officer dropped dead. Kai's smoke body then disintegrated all if the cops weapons.

  "Oh shit!" Anna murmured to herself.

Kai turned back into a normal human again. He pointed his hand towards another officer. His hand turned into smoke and started to make it's way towards another cop. Anna jumped out of behind the tree and created a cosmic orb around the smoke before it touched the cop. Kai turned around and saw Anna.

  "I was just about to come and see you" Kai said.

Anna ignored Kai and shot the cosmic orb with Kai's smoke hand inside it. It hit kai and he went flying. The smoke then reattached to his body and became a normal hand again.

  "What did you do!" Anna shouted

  "I turned myself into one of you" Kai answered "I came here to show you, I figured it out, I have powers to now. I can become a hero"

  "You're delusional! You just killed a man! Hero's don't kill people" Anna exclaimed

  "I was defending myself" Kai answered

  "It's Nuclear!" Shouted a women pointing at Anna.

Anna tried to ignore the women and kept her focus on Kai.

  "You can't go killing people like that!" Anna shouted

Kai started to laugh "is this a joke! You killed so many people"

"I'm trying to not be that person anymore" Anna replied

A helicopter appeared over Anna and Kai.

  "Please stand down or we will be forced to shoot" said the people in the helicopter with the use of s speaker.

  "Shoot!" Kai exclaimed "what don't these people get! I'm not evil, I became like this to help them!"

  "They are scared of you. What don't YOU get" Anna said to him.

  "They aren't going to stop be from being a hero" Kai shouted

His body turned into red smoke and he was making his way towards the helicopter...

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