Chapter 14☾Always Lies

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Wanda marched up to the lab where Tony was working. He was talking to F.R.I.D.A.Y has they both tried to figure out a way to make that 'cure' for Anna. Tony wasn't a doctor or anything so this was harder for him.

  "You're going to take her abilities away!" Wanda exclaimed has she grabbed Tony's arm and turned him around so he could face her.

  "Woah, woah, woah!" Tony said pulling away from Wanda.

  "You can't do that, you shouldn't do that" Wanda added

  "Look you don't understand what's going on so if you don't mind getting out of my way" Tony said

  "This isn't a good Ideas, these abilities are a part of her now, you can't take that away from her" Wanda continued

  "Oh really, did she tell you that, is that what she wants or what you want. The kid told me she didn't want those abilities, that she wanted to be normal again so that's what I'm going to try to do" Tony explained

  "She's to young to understand why this is important, these powers of hers will give her a reason to keep on trying to be the best. She want to be a hero, we talked for a while, she wants to be like captain America, like Clint, like me but she thinks she cant and if we take the probability she could be, she'll be miserable, right now she has nothing" Wanda went on.

Tony looked down at his feet, what Wanda was saying made some sort of sense "I have to do it either way, the government wont let her walk free until she is free from her abilities, she to dangerous, you should know this more then anyone." Tony said

Wanda took a step back shocked, she knew what he meant when he said that. It had just slipped out of Tony's mouth, that last phrase, he knew he shouldn't have said it but he did. Without another word Wanda turned around and showed herself out of the building. Tony got straight back to work, he asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to call over a scientist he knew to help him with this 'cute'. This scientist was a friend of Helen Cho, a nice women who was sadly killed by Ultron a while back.

A couple of hours later a women arrived, her name was Diana Li. "How good are you with Radiation?" Tony asked the Women

  "It depends" she answered

Tony signalled Diana to get closer, she looked at neon blue substance amazed "what is it?" She asked

  "Blood" Tony answered "we have to find a way to get this to turn back into Normal blood, to un radiate it"

Diana nodded and the two got back to work. Diana had brought some stuff from her lab here that Tony didn't have, they try all sorts of thing, experimented all sorts of 'cure' but the closes they got was when Anna's blue blood became an orange red.

Anna was pacing around her room, Wanda was really insistent on her keeping her powers, she didn't understand why Wanda didn't get it. She was exactly like her in so many ways, out of everyone, Anna was sure Wanda would understand her decision. She had read an article about Wanda before she had arrived, she read about this one time when she had apparently lost control of her powers and destroyed a building killing people, thats one of the reasons why she was so surprised Wanda didn't agree with her on taking away her powers. Even after everything Wanda tells her, she still doesn't seem to have full control of her powers either but she wants to keep them anyway. Someone knocked on the door making her come back to reality and out of her thoughts. The door then opened and it was Tony who walked in with a women that Anna did not know. Inside Tony's hand, he was holding a syringe with a red substance.

  "Whats that?" Anna asked

Tony showed Anna "I think we've found the cure" Tony then said

Anna's eyes widened, he had it, he had the cure, today was the day she could be free, be normal. Anna went to sit on her bed and lifted her sleeve so Tony could inject it in her. There was no turning back now.

  "Are you sure it will work?" Anna asked

  "Well, the serum we used turn your blood back to normal, it should do the same in your body" Tony explained.

Anna took a deep breath and closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to see the syringe going in her arm. Tony pressed down on it letting the liquid enter her body. He then took it out and gave it to Diana. They both stared at Anna to see if she would have any reaction. Anna was looking at Tony, nothing seemed to be happening, he wasn't sure if it had worked or not. Anna decided to get up, but once she got out of the bed she started to feel light headed. She closed her eyes for a moment trying to breath slowly. Anna opened her eyes again and saw a look of shock on Tony's face, she knew something must of happened. Anna felt her body becoming warmer every second, she didn't understand what was going on. She looked down at her hands and saw her veins were glowing blue, you were able to see them perfectly through her skin.

  "What did you do to me!" Anna shouted

Tony took a few steps back, he didn't understand what was happening, how was this possible. Anna fell onto the floor and started seizing.

  "Diana get out! Now!" Tony shouted has he and Diana ran out of the room and closed the door behind them. Anna had lost all control of her body, she was seizing uncontrollably. Her hair started to change colore, a light neon blue colore started to take over her natural brown hair. Anna let out a shout and a huge mass of power left her body which caused it to explode the room. She finally stopped seizing, her hair had turned back brown except from a couple stands of hair that was still blue. Her veins became back to normal but it did leave marks on her arm and her eyes were different. Tony who had his arms wrapped around Diana to protect her of te explosion let her go and walked towards Anna who was still laying in the floor. She opened her eyes and jumped on her feet looking at her hands and hair and everything. Anna picked up a piece of the glass window to look at her reflection, one of her eyes was bright Blue and the other bright green. She dropped the glass and fell to her knees.

  "What did you do to me?" Anna asked as she started to cry.

  "Anna I..." Tony started but got cut off

  "YOU SAID YOU WOULD CURE ME!" Anna shouted at the top of her lungs. She looked over at Tony and pointed her hand at him. A ring shaped blue thing came out of Anna hitting Tony which sent him flying into the wall.

Anna got up and ran towards the stairs. She ran all the way to the main floor and ran out of the facility. She wasn't going to stay here, Tony lied to her, he made her worse then what she already was. She was still cursed with powers and now it showed more then ever, before it was only her eyes but now her hair and arms too. She knew that looking like this, no one would ever trust her, she had to be alone, no one could save her.

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