Chapter 24: The Red Tornado

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A couple of weeks passed and there we no still no signs of Kai. The cops would come once a week asking Anna questioning about him to see if she had any information, but she had none. Many people were wondering fi Kai had just disappeared and that maybe that time he attacked was just a one time thing but Anna knew it wasn't. She felt like he was going to come back, and come back soon. She wondered where he could have gone, he couldn't be too far, what was he doing? Maybe he was trying to enhance his power, become more powerful.

It was early in the morning, maybe 4 o'clock, Anna didn't sleep all night, she would have nightmares and then wouldn't be able to fall asleep. She walked around the apartment waiting for the time to pass when she heard an odd sound. Anna went to see where it came from and it came from the door. She looked around and spotted a letter on the floor. She grabbed it wondering if that was always there. She looked around trying to see if someone was there or if Wanda or Sam were awake but there was nothing. Anna opened the envelope and took the letter out of it.


I wonder if you've figured it out, I wonder if you know where I am but since I am still walking free I will take that as a no. Why am I writing to you, that's a good question, I could just stay hidden but why would I do that. I want people to know me and well they will see me soon, and so will you. I made a friend during my journey, you might know him, I think his name is Geyr. Very smart man, I heard he helped you develop your powers. I also saw this news cast, saying that you were a hero, You! HA! What a joke, but now I've realized the problem, the public doesn't know who the real hero is. I don't know what you did to them, but for them to see me as the hero! I need to get rid of you...

Watch you back, I'll be there soon

Red Smoke

Anna gasped a little too loudly. She put her hand on her mouth and crushed the letter with her hand. Kai had Geyr, he was in Germany. What had he done to him? Had he harmed him? Anger started to take over Anna she clenched the letter and it started to radiate and ended up catching on fire. Anna hadn't noticed until the fire burnt her skin. She dropped the letter and stepped on it to take out the small fire. Now Anna knew were Kai was, for now at least, from what the letter said he was going to come back, try to kill her. She wondered if he made Geyr make him more powerful. Anna had refused Sam's offer to stop this guy, she didn't want to have anything to do with him, but now that she knew he had Geyr, she had to do something. Anna made her way to Wanda's room, she pocked her trying to wake her up.

  "Anna?" Wanda said still half asleep "What time is it?"

  "He as Geyr Wanda! He's in Germany" Anna told Wanda

She sat up rubbing her eyes trying to process what Anna was saying. "Germany, who's in Germany?"

  "Kai, Red Smoke. He sent me a letter. He said he was coming from me, that he had Geyr and if he as Geyr then he must be in Germany, that's where he was locked up. We have to do something, we have to go to Germany, get Geyr back!" Anna exclaimed.

  "Calm down Anna, calm down" Wanda said as he got out of bed. "We'll get him, okay, we'll get him"

Everyone was now awake, Sam, Anna and Wanda were all sitting at the kitchen table examining the half burnt letter Kai had sent Anna.

  "When did you get this letter?" Asked Sam

  "This morning around four. I heard a sound coming from the door and then saw this letter." Anna answered

  "Someone must have slid it under the door, did you check to see if there was anyone outside?" Sam added

  "No" Anna said

  "Well, I'm sure it's not a mail man that brought it here at four in the morning. I don't think Kai is still in Germany. Maybe he's already here, maybe he put the letter" Wanda said

That was very plausible and the most likely of things to have happened. Kai must have been back, he must have put that letter there but why, why would he warn Anna that he was going to attack soon, why give her a heads up. Anna got up and started walking towards the door.

  "Where are you going?" Sam asked

  "If Kai is here then what are we waiting for, lest get his attention, lest find Geyr" Anna answered and opened the door.

  "You can't just go out, we don't have a plan" Sam added before Anna was gone.

  "I do, it's to find Geyr and kill Kai if I have to" Anna said. Sam looked over at Wanda, the way she spook gave him the chills, she was determined to get him now.

Anna walked out of the apartment, it was the first time she went outside without covering herself up with a hoodie to hide the glowing blue scars on her arms and without the sunglasses to hide her neon blue and green eyes. Everyone who was outside all stopped what they were doing to and watched as Anna walked by. Wanda and Sam ran out of the apartment and were following Anna. Anna stopped walking once she was in a big space with not to many things around her. If Kai was going to show up she was going to have to catch his attention. A couple of people started to gather around Anna wondering what she was doing. Anna was going to try to try something a little new. Anna pointed up at the sky and started to shoot out cosmic round cosmic beams up at the sky, like if she was shooting up flares. She then put her arm down and closed her eyes. She lifted both her arms creating a large bridge composed of the matter around her that went up to the sky. If didn't get Kai's attention she didn't know what would.

  "I'm waiting for you Kai! Anna shouted

  "That's amazing" Anna looked next to her and saw Geyr standing there looking at her amazed.

  "Geyr?" Anna asked not believing he was actually there.

Anna lost concentration and stopped using her powers. She ran up to Geyr and put her arms around him. "You're here! Are you okay, are you... what happened?" Anna then said looking at Geyrs arms that were burnt and scarred.

  "Go now, he's here Anna" Geyr said in a low voice.

  "You're coming with me" Anna then said

Geyr nodded no. Before Anna had the time to say anything she felt a presents. He turned around and saw Kai with an evil smirk on his face. "Pretty impressive what you did there. Your powers are very impressive, maybe you could teach me" Kai let out a small laugh

"What did you do to him!" Anna exclaimed

  "I had to get him to make me more powerful some way" Kai answered

Anna clenched her fist, a cosmic orb appeared around her fist. "I know you want to kill me but why did you have to involve Geyr" Anna said

  "I needed someone to help me, and he did such a good job with you, who better" Kai smirked. "Once you're dead everyone will see me as a hero. Once I kill you, once I kill the girl who killed so many innocent people.."

  "Innocent people! You are not allowed to say that, after what you did. The people I killed were the people who tried to use me, tortured me. I WAS ALLOWED!" Anna shouted

  "What about the boy in the store in Arizona" Kai said

  "How did you-"

  "What about that nice old women, what was her name, oh yes, Marguerite" Kai added

  "I didn't kill her!" Anna exclaimed, tears started rolling down her cheeks.

  "We both know it's your fault she's dead Anna" Kai continued

  "SHUT UP!" Anna yelled at the top of her lungs sending a cosmic beam towards Kai.  

Kai smirked and seconds before the beam touched him he turned into smoke, it went straight through him. He then turned back human and started moving his hands weirdly. It started to get windy and a tornado about his size started to form. Kai then raised his left hand and pointed it at the tornado. It turned red and Kai sent it Anna's way... That was new...

Author's note: Looks like Kai as some new tricks up his sleeves. Do you think Anna will be able to beat Kai? Let me know in the comments. Don't forget to vote and share this story with your friends. Hope your enjoying the story because I'm having so much fun writing it:) Anyway have a nice day.

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