Chapter 4 ☾ Arizona

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A small door trap opened and a plate of food slid out of it. Anna jumped out of her bed and ran to it, she was starving. She ate the sandwiches and drank all the water in one shot. Anna looked down at some fruit that were on her plate, some nice strawberries and and raspberries. Anna wasn't fond of strawberries so she didn't eat them. She left the aside and ate the rest. Anna left the plate on the floor and walked back towards her bed. She sat down and stared at the strawberries. She started to think about that plan she wanted to do, to try to break out and see what else she can do with the radiation in her body. Anna got out of her bed once again and walked back towards the plate. She took one of the strawberries in her hand and closed her eyes. When she opened them she saw that the strawberry turned blue and started to rot, it was filled with radiation. She took other strawberry and tried it again, practicing was the best way for her to master her power.

Doctor Turgeon was watching Anna from the one sided window as he wrote down on a clipboard what she was doing. Doctor List was with him observing as well.

"This girl, she's a weapon, what she is, the things she can do. We can create bombs with her blood, radiate entire cities with her bow marrow, just unleashing her on the people can create mayhem" Doctor Turgeon explained

"She has incredible abilities, nothing that i've ever seen before" Doctor List confirmed.

Back inside the room, Anna was still playing around with the strawberries, she knew she can radiate things, but she wondered if she can undo it. She grabbed the rotting blue radiated strawberry and closed her eyes once again trying to extract the radiation back into her body and to her surprise it work.

"Oh my..." Anna had no words, she was so amazed, so speechless. She did this a couple more times with the other fruit and it worked.

Anna looked over to the one sided window, without knowing it she was staring right at Doctor List witch kind've freaked him out.

Anna didn't do much of her days, most of the time she would sit on her bed. Ever since that time she killed the women they haven't asked her to kill anything else, like if they were giving her a brake.
Anna's room's door opened and she practically jump off the bed. She saw doctor Turgeon walk in in his hazmat suit. She hid behind her bed afraid he was back to do more experiments.

"Calm down, I'm only here to take your plate" He said. He took her plate and then walked out.

Doctor Turgeon brought back the radiated strawberries to the lab to study and analyze since that's what he did with everything that had to do with Anna.

Anna wondered wether someone was watching her right now, she couldn't see anything but her reflexion and felt very self conscious knowing there was someone on the other side. She didn't know what time it was but felt like it was the night. Anna walked over to the window and put her hand on it. She closed her eyes and got the radiation to leave her body and go in the window. She felt a liquid slide down her hand. She opened her eyes and saw the window had melted. Once more then a quarter of it was turned into liquid, an alarm when off. Anna's heart started to beat quickly. She jumped out of the window, she didn't know where to go, where to turn, she's never seen anything but her room. She saw a couple of guards coming from the left so she ran to the right. She ran as fast as she little legs could go. Two guards then appeared in front of her and they weren't wearing hazmat suits. They both had guns and pointed them at her.

"No! No stop!" Shouted Doctor Turgeon who raced down the halls. "Don't shoot her we need her!"

"Why, why do you need me?" Anna asked

"Because your valuable" He answered

"LIES! No I'm not, I'm not your prisoner" Anna shouted. She turned around and ran towards the two guards, they didn't know what to do since they couldn't shoot her. Anna grab both guards faces and they started to blister. The two men fell to the floor and started seizing. Anna then jumped over them and kept on running.

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