Chapter 3 ☾ The Weapon

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"Stark did it, you know he did, are you really going to let him get away with it? ARE YOU!" Shouted Doctor Turgeon

Anna was standing next to the doctor with tears in her eyes.

"You can kill him, you can do it, he's right here. Do it, DO IT!" Doctor Turgeon kept on yelling.

Anna took a couple of steps forwards. In front of her was Tony Stark sitting on a chair with his hands and feet tied up. He was bleeding and bruised all over his face.

"Do it Anna, he killed me, he killed your mother, are you really going to let him get away with this" Said Anna's mother's calm voice.

"Mum?" Anna asked

"I'm right here" Her mother came out from the shadows. "Kill him Anna, kill him!"

Anna advanced her hands and put them on Tony's face. His face started to burn to melt, he shouted so loudly that's all Anna was able to hear.

"That's it Anna, that's it" Doctor Turgeon said, he was smiling.

Anna burned him until all she could see was his skull. She then took a step back, he was dead, she killed the Ironman.

Anna woke up from her dream crying. She looked around, she was still at the same place. She wasn't able to fall back asleep so she stayed sitting up until morning. Hours later, doctor Turgeon walked inside Anna's room with two other scientists. She got out of bed.

"What's going on?" Anna asked.

She noticed the two other scientist had cages with mouses inside of them. They put the mouses on the ground and then went to get two chairs and a folded table. They placed it in the middle of the room. Doctor Turgeon sat down.

"Please sit" he told Anna

Anna did has told. One of the scientist put the first mouse cage on the table. The other on preceded to connect a wire to Anna's head. Has he tried to put his hands on her she moved away.

"Anna! Let the man do his job!" Doctor Turgeon said angrily.

She then stood still and he attached the wire to her head. The wire was connected to some sort of button. Doctor Turgeon took out a note pad and wrote something.

"Take the mouse out of the cage Anna" He said

Anna did exactly that. She held it tight to make sure it wouldn't run away. It was cute.

"Kill it" the doctor then said.

Anna looked up at him, she couldn't believe her hears.

"What?" She asked

"Use that radiation inside you and kill it" he repeated

"No, I, I can't kill it" she then said

Doctor Turgeon looked at the other scientist and made a hand gesture. The man clicked the button that sent a shock to Anna head. She yelled in pain and started to cry.

"I'll ask you a second time, kill the mouse" Doctor Turgeon said again.

Anna didn't do anything and got shocked again that was followed by another cry for help. Anna knew she had to kill the mouse, but she didn't want to, but the shocks hurt so bad. She looked down at the poor helpless animal and concentrated. She let her radiation take it's life, it started to squeal and moments later it was dead. Doctor Turgeon wrote something down on his notepad.

"See, now that wasn't so bad. Lest do this again" He then said

Over and over again they made this little twelve year old girl kill animals. It was practically torture. Everyday, they would come back inside her room and would ask her to kill another one using her radiation. These doctors loved to experiment on her, make her do things, analyse everything she would do, she was their little lab rat.

One day, Anna had crawled into a ball in the corner of the room, her mental state wasn't good, in last few days all she's done was kill. Someone knocked on her door and walked inside, it was someone Anna had never seen before. It was a women, Anna had never seen a women here.

"Hello Anna, how are you feeling?" She asked

Anna didn't answer. The women walked towards the television and turned it on. It was another newscast about the one and only Tony Stark. Every time someone opened the television it would always be a show about Stark, like if it was programmed to only show things about him and it annoyed Anna.

"Amazing isn't he, this Tony Stark" the women said "all the things he's accomplished, what an amazing, good man" the women did this to purposely get a rise out of Anna and it worked.

"Turn it off" Anna said.

The Women smirked and ignored what the girl said. "So many people look up to him, so many kids want to be him"

"I said TURN IT OFF!" Anna shouted

The women turned around and saw Anna standing up, she was very upset. "Get out!" Anna said

The women walked towards her

"Tell me Anna, do you really think he deserves to be so loved?" The women asked "I mean, he did so many good things"

From the other side of the room, Doctor Turgeon was watching the scene go down, the plan was to get Anna to show off her full potential, to see how mad she could get and it seemed to be working.

"Stark doesn't deserve anything!" Anna said

"Why?" The women asked

"He killed my mother" Anna answered

"He killed many people, but what does that change, he is still the richest, most powerful, loved person in the united states" The women went on.

Anna closed her eyes, the women wasn't going to stop, she knew she wasn't. She calmed herself down, took a few deep breaths and opened her eyes again.

"You're right" Anna said

The women was surprised to hear her say that. Anna smiled, but it was more creepy than anything. She slowly walked towards the women. The women put her hand in her back pocket and took a tranquilizer out just incase. Anna got closer and closer and grabbed the women's arm. The radiation started to melt it. The women took out the tranquilizer and was about to touch Anna put she grabbed her hand before she had the chance. Anna threw the tranquilizer across the room. Hand was now touching the women's skin. She started to suffocate. The women stared Anna in the eyes, she died second later and fell to the floor.

Doctor Turgeon who was still watching was smiling, that's exactly what he wanted Anna to do. Doctor List then arrived and saw the women on the floor.

"She killed her!" Doctor List exclaimed "she wasn't supposed to kill her! That wasn't appart of the plan"

"The plan was to see if she was capable of hurting a human being" Doctor Turgeon said "and she is"

Anna walked over to the one sided window. "I know your watching. I hope your happy, I'm guessing this is what you wanted me to do! This is all I'm good for, for killing things! IS THAT IT!" Anna shouted

They were turning her into a monster, a real life weapon. She was everything they needed, she had the strongest power yet, but even after what just happened they knew she could do more, she could be even more powerful, they just had to find a way for her to become that powerful. When she'd be ready, they would be able to use her, win every fight, with only her.

Anna had to get out of here, she couldn't take it anymore, she had to do it soon, with everything she knew about her powers now, she knew it could be done.

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