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Percy was walking through Tartarus in search of the House of Nyx, when he felt the darkness radiating in a certain area. He approached what seemed to be radiating the darkness to find a cliff.

Percy approached the cliff slowly and looked down. If he fell he wouldn't be in Tartarus. Great! Just got to fall through, and 'boom'! You're on the surface. No. If he fell, he would most certainly fade.

As he looked to the other side he saw a black house. The jump seemed to be about one mile long. Not a jumping distance.

As he was thinking about how to get across the canyon like cliff, a bunch of monsters flew down. He turned around to observe them. The creatures looked like vampires with wings. Arai.

The monsters of curses. They were literally curses. They are formed when a life form curses another life form.

"Ah, shit." Percy cursed. (Ha, ha, anyone?)

The Arai seemed to smile at the God in front of them. They started to get frantic, but seemed to be restrained at the moment. Percy turned back around to be face to face to a goddess.

Percy didn't move but decided to comment. "Ya know, creeping up behind people is bad. They don't necessarily like it." Percy said as his smirk grew.

The goddess scowled and backed away from him. "I am Achlys the Goddess o-" the goddess started.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, another goddess that wants to kill me. I'm soooo surprised. Percy said sarcastically.

Achlys' scowl grew more prominent on her face. "Arai, kill this worthless mortal." Achlys growled. The Arai seemed more than happy to, and one of them immediately lunged at Percy.

By reflex, Percy accidently killed the Arai. All movement stopped, waiting for him to receive his curse. When no curse came, Percy smirked. The Arai for once had a look of fear in their eyes.

Percy dashed over to the other Arai and began to mercilessly kill the Arai until only golden powder remained. Percy smiled at his job well done and turned to Achlys.

Achlys looked Percy in the eye, to find no fear. She tried to access the 'mortal's' mind but didn't succeed. She looked on in fear as the mortal drew nearer. She called for Nyx, then flashed away.

Percy turned back to the cliff and decided to solidify the shadows to create a bridge. As he was about to start making the bridge, everything turned cold.

Percy turned around once more to find an angry looking Goddess of the Night. Percy took a step back unconsciously. Nyx approached Percy, before stopping a couple meters in front of him.

Then there was silence. Nothing made a noise, so Percy decided to break it.

"So do I need like, permission to enter your House, or do I like, have to pass a test sorta thing?" Percy asked cheekily. Nyx started to chuckle till she was full on laughing. Percy, confused as always, asked another question.

"Why are you laughing?" Nyx stopped laughing, before turning serious once more.

"If you enter and keep your eyes open, you would have nightmares forever mortal, to the point you go insane." Nyx stated.

Percy nodded once before creating the shadow bridge. He started to walk towards the house. Nyx looked on in confusion before running behind him. She would love to see this arrogant mortal go insane.

Her jaw dropped as she observed him walk in with his eyes open, looking at everything that could even make a God go insane. He grabbed something that she couldn't see and walked back the way he made the bridge.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now