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The ambiance was dull. Death was not an invitation for celebration. Every step that the group took had meaning, ranging from the concentrated anger of Perseus - to the depressed shuffle of the hunters.

Only the bitter encouragement that Percy supplied, and the resolve to save their Mistress led the hunters to continue their somber march.

Percy looked over his shoulder, the intense stare of dark purple focusing on the hesitant hunters. Their eyes were seas of the depressed. Red with the trails of the weak.

Instead of how he was raised in Tartarus, to punish them for being weak - he too felt the loss of connection to life, he too felt the chains of weakness pull at his body.

But he was stronger, not to be contained. Even by Fate's shackles, he had prevailed. He had seen death, he had caused death.

Never though had he felt the lasting grief that emitted from the silver followers of an Olympian. Countless times he had debated with himself why he was helping rescue a potential enemy.

Was it because the younger Olympians had no quarrel with him?

Or was it that he considered they would need every warrior against the Titan King?

His motive was evidently undecided, but one thing resonated through any decisions he would execute in the future; no matter what happened - Kronos would cease to exist.

Percy stopped in his trail, perceiving the increased density of moisture in the pressurized atmosphere. Likewise, the rest paused in their tracks, lingering for Percy's signal to continue.

Percy's hands twitched, sensing the imminent possibility of a battle. "Four. Stay on guard for I sense the aura of four beings that radiate power, unlike any monster or demigod."

Zoë stepped in front of Percy, "Allow me to speak with them," she spoke, her eyes shining between regret and determination.

Zoë advanced forward, the rest following her lead, slightly confused as to how she could handle the situation they would encounter.

As they broke through the environment, most of them couldn't help but be stunned. The grass shined as it reflected the silver light of the moon.

The flowers filled with such vibrant colors, it seemed that they glowed in the dark. Trees looking like the rivers that flowed across the hillside, the branches swaying to an unfelt wind.

The sound of the river filled the ears with a sea like song that sang beautifully, sending the mortals into a dreary state of pure and utter happiness.

It was like a new world had been discovered. Thalia and Phoebe's eyes shined, small smiles covering their faces, giving them a break from the sour frowns that had adjourned their faces before.

Scanning the environment Percy laid eyes on the most beautiful tree he had ever seen, holding the most alluring and attention drawing object within the whole land - Shining Golden Apples.

The next thing that drew his attention was the massive 100 headed dragon that was wrapped around the tree tightly, resting as all of its eyes were closed, indicating its slumber.

Sounds of light footsteps reach his ears. Percy turned his head to see 4 young women walk towards the group.

They looked strangely like Zoë - caramel skin, silky black hair, and volcanic black eyes. Although they were clearly slightly older, wearing beautiful white chitons, leaving little to imagine.

The hidden God examined the event taking place as Zoë approached the strange beautiful women. A forced smile covering her features, unlike the disgusted scowls that the 4 other women wore.'

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now