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Percy sat straight up in his makeshift bed, eyes wide. 'What had he just witnessed?'

"That wasn't real, it was just a dream. There is no way that that was real." he whispered to himself.

But when he thought about it what they had said was true, he was blessed by Nyx, he did have her and Erebus' power.

Then his eyes widened in realization. He was free from fate. He smiled. He could finally do anything without being restricted. No more ancient laws tying him down. He was free.

Again his eyes kept widening, Nyx said he was worthy of all her power. He debated in his head, should he keep it or give it.

He shadow travelled away from the Arena, going on a walk to think about it.

Give it to someone who could use it the wrong way, or keep it, use it for good and maybe a certain revenge on some Olympians. His smile turned wicked at the thought of revenge.

He would keep the power.

Revenge. The possible thoughts of Zeus' scream made him feel energized.

His eyes started to flicker a glowing purple and black. The flickering started to go faster as Zeus' scream became louder and louder and Percy's smile became a smirk.

Then the flickering just stopped. Percy's eyes were just dull and black. It became silent. Not a sound heard for miles away.

He closed his eyes. He stood there in silence for five seconds. Then with the sound of an explosion, his eyes snapped open to show a solid glowing purple. The grounds of Tartarus starting to shake under his massive power.

The winds of Tartarus started to swirl around him. Shadows came from every side of the Pit swirling around the winds until he became encased in a massive shadow ball.

No light seemed to get in or out. Only his glowing eyes showed through it. His Primordial Power getting the best of his revenge filled thoughts. He started to rise in the air.

A tornado of winds forming under him. He forced the winds to obey him. He flew around in his dark ball of destruction. He commanded the winds to slam against the ground.The winds listened and the ball of power hit the ground. 

He stood in the crater he formed. The winds and shadows still surrounded him and the ground still shook violently.

Then it stopped, his eyes started to dull until they became his regular dark sea green. The shadows went back to the Pit. The winds calmed down. The shaking stopped. Yet when everything had left, his smirk never did.


It had been a couple of days since his Primordial Power showdown. He knew that his power had gotten the best of him and decided that he would train to control it.

And train he had. For the past days he had trained non-stop. Tomorrow was Challenge Day.

He smiled at the thought. He was ready as he could ever be. He was currently training with his sword. The sword came easy to him as did other blades. But he still hadn't mastered them yet.

He couldn't wield the sword like it was part of him. He couldn't throw a knife and hit the bullseye. And he most certainly could shoot an arrow from a bow and hit the target.

No he was definitely not ready for anything without powers, and so that was his second major focus, after of course controlling all his Primordial Power.

He cut down multiple shadow dummies in one swing, he did a backflip then twisted in the air to turn the other way before slicing the head off the last dummy.  He wiped his sweat beaded forehead onto his black jeans. He walked to the market in the Arena and bought a bottle of water with an arena coin.

Arena coins were worth five drachmas, he had gotten a bag of Arena coins his first match. It helped him a lot. He thanked the seller before walking back to the training room.

He layed down on his mattress, ready for the Challenge. The thought of winning and getting out of the Pit his only thought as he fell into a dreamless sleep.


Percy woke up, energized and ready to crush his opponent. Or, whatever the Challenge was.

He put on his cloak that automatically put his Assassin gear on. He had a belt filled with throwing knives, a slot for a long knife and he had black gauntlets that had hidden blades in them. His black combat boots had hidden blades on the bottom of them so he could give a good sharp kick.

His armoured pants had two straps that held two daggers. He hadn't decided on a name for them yet. He decided when he got better he would name them. He could already hear the Crowd chanting for the Challenges to begin.

He walked outside of the training room seeing a long ass line. "Longer than last year." Percy muttered.

He walked to the back of the monster filled line in order to wait for his turn. He chatted with a cyclops while he waited for the line to shorten. He heard many painful screams coming from the arena of monsters.

Percy watched as the cyclops entered the arena doors. He caught a glimpse of a massive dark red hellhound. He flinched when he heard his new friend cyclops' scream.

"Damn." Percy said cringing.

The doors opened for him. He took a deep breath and walked into the Arena. He finally saw how truly menacing his opponent was.

The hellhound was twenty feet tall. His eyes were blood red and he had claws that were as sharp as his teeth. Percy started to quiver in fear of the beast.

"Poor little godling, did Zeus ask you to complete a challenge for him? Did he cast you into the Pit because how much of a bitch you are? Or did he just throw you into the Pit for his enjoyment?" the abomination mocked.

That's where the hellhound went wrong. Anger started to form in Percy. He started to tremble with his fury and his power started to show.

This went unnoticed by the creature as it kept mocking Percy. Percy's eyes started to flicker once more. His hands were clenched into fists.

Memories of Zeus and what he did to Percy flashed through Percy's mind. His anger took finally released itself.

Percy eyes became a solid and glowing purple once more. The winds obeyed their new master as he flew faster than thought possible towards the hellhound.

Percy punched the monster mercilessly using the winds to make his punches harder by ten fold. He encased his hands into shadows with points on the end.

He started to stab the hellhound. Golden ichor started to flood out of the wounds the God made. The hellhound whimpers could be heard throughout the Arena. Percy took out Nightmare. His Victory Sword.

He raised it above the fallen hellhound in preparense to descend. Before he could finish the master hellhound off, his eyes returned to normal. He put Nightmare back into its sheathe.

He looked distastefully at the creature before walking back towards the door.

Before he walked through the door he looked at the announcer and rose his hand in a fist as a sign of victory.

The announcer nodded, shock evident on his face before announcing Percy's win. The crowd's silence turned into violent screams of joy.

Percy smiled and nodded before walking back through the door towards the training room.

He laid down on his mattress thinking of how he had lost control so easily. He closed his eyes as he thought about this subject.

Next year he would compete in the Third challenges.

'Who knows what's to come?'

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now