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They watched as crimson flooded the city streets, and listened to the screams of the defiled echo off the building walls. Heroes don't have saviors, the price of their lineage was the promise of death.

The King of Tartarus' armies stood back, as the children of the gods fought against the savages of Kronos. There was no benefit, no strategy, nor moral, that begged them to raise arms.


A pair of slender legs sauntered toward the front of this hidden army. She bore no armor; instead, a slick gray chiton tightly grabbed her curves and a small winged helmet fitted atop her silky jade hair.

"18,000 traitors against a measly 400 sinners," Cassandra spoke as she met Mrs. O'Leary.

"Yes, and yet, this battle is quite too equal, don't you think?"

Cassandra nodded in agreement, her emerald green orbs gazed upon the bloody skirmish. "The power of the Greek is astounding, and the strength of a traitor is disgustingly frail."

A frosty breeze blasted through the night sky, piercing the skin with a bite. The hellhound licked her lips, pawing at the ground as she witnessed the battle laid before her.

"How are the forces on the Western front?"

"The Minotaur, Nemean Lion, and Chimera, along with a majority of our lord's battalion are currently raiding the Roman Camp and Mount Othrys," the sea nymph replied to her superior.

Cassandra's eyes caught the moon, admiring the night sky. She cleared her throat, "The Hunters of Artemis are currently battling our forces to the West-"

The loud roar of the Lydian Drakon cut the sea nymph off. Cassandra rolled her eyes before continuing, "However, as his majesty has decreed, the ones named Phoebe, Connor Stoll, Thalia Grace, and Zoë Nightshade, are not to be harmed."

Mrs. O'Leary nodded, their victory was practically being served on a silver platter. She licked her lips again, tasting the scent of blood that the wind gently carried.

"And what news of the Olympian gods?"

Cassandra chuckled as she looked toward the sealine. Dark clouds blanketed the waters, and the thundering of an immense storm rattled the coast.

The tides were wild and the skies rained flurries of lightning.

She grinned, "Those who betrayed the King are currently combating a cataclysmic battle with Typhon, the father of monsters."

The hellhound mirrored a hubristic grin, "Splendid."

Her ruby orbs turned from the battlefield to look upon the mountain of mighty warriors that had gathered to fight for their indomitable overlord.

Cyclops, centaurs, dracaenae, eidolons, earthborns, griffins, harpies, hellhounds, lycanthrope, arai, basilisks, empousa, ghouls, karpoi, makhai, drakons, sirens, and hydras; all donned a violet symbol, proudly displaying their loyalty to the God of Darkness.

There was none that could break them—none that could bring such a force to a halt. They were a power designed for one objective: to slay any gods that dare interfere.

"Where is his majesty?"

Before Cassandra could respond, a loud bloodcurdling screech tore through the battlefield, trapping all eyes to its source. Combat ceased as onlookers gathered.

There was no mortal nor monster that moved an inch as a freezing pressure pounded at their bodies. The pain of fear stung the hearts of even bloodthirsty beasts.

Silence fell, no sound was made beside the gruesome screams hidden behind the seas of demigods and monsters. Hell's shrieks lived on Earth's crust.

Yet, too quickly were the cries cut short.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now