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Percy shadow travelled outside of the Arena, startling many monsters around him. He looked around him, monsters filled the lines of the visiting entrance. He focused on getting some training in and started to walk away from the visiting entrance.

He walked to the entrance for competitors. On the way to his destination he felt something shadow traveling near him. An Alpha hellhound stepped out of a shadow.

It was followed by a whole pack of hellhounds. The pack turned and started to growl at the God.

The Alpha walked to the front and started to size Percy up. Percy raised an eyebrow and put his hands over his private square.

The Alpha seemed taken back at this. Percy started to laugh at the hellhound's expression.

The Alpha started to growl.

"How dare you! You dare laugh!" it said.

Percy seemed taken back by its voice. It was feminine.

"Sorry" Percy said sheepishly and started to rub his hand on the back of his head.

The Alpha hellhound growled.

The pack started to lean on their back paws, a sign that they were going to pounce.

"Now hold on, we can talk this out." Percy said backing up slowly and putting his hand out in front of him as a stopping motion.

Right before the hellhounds were about to pounce the Alpha hellhound stopped them with her words.

"Hold on" she said. As simple as that the pack leaned their weight equally. Percy sighed in relief.

The Alpha hellhound started to focus around Percy, outlining him. Her eyes widened in surprise of a dark red aura around him.

"He's been blessed by Lord Arkno!" she whisper screamed. But the pack easily picked up her words.

The pack and Alpha immediately bowed to Percy. Their weight shifting to their front paws this time.

"Umm. . . rise? Percy question commanded.

The pack again began to equalize(is that a word?) their weight once again.

The Alpha began apologizing rapidly. Percy calmed her down. She slowed down her apologies until she stopped. Percy nodded smiling.

His question surprised her.

"What's your name?" He had asked.

The question repeated in her mind multiple times before she answered.

"I don't have one my lord." She said.

Percy stepped back in surprise.

"Really?" He asked. The Alpha nodded in confirmation.

"Do you want one?" Percy asked. The Alpha nodded again. Percy's face contorted into one of thinking.

Then he smiled.

"Mrs.O'Leary." He said before his smile widened. The hellhound seemed surprised and slightly angry. Although there was acceptance and gratitude in her eyes.

"I do not have a mate my lord" she said through gritted teeth.

Percy grinned before answering.

"It doesn't matter because it sounds good!"

The newly named Mrs.O'Leary nodded. Her pack behind her began to bark in approval.

Percy decided to ask his very first question.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now