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Percy woke up feeling energized. He rolled back onto his hands. He pushed himself off doing a flip mid-air. He landed on his right foot then flipped once more, landing on both of his feet.

He stretched his arms out and yawned. He lazily rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He already had his cloak on so he immediately walked out of the training room.

When he reached the outside of the Arena he was greeted with the sight of Mrs.O'Leary and her pack bowing to him. He rolled his eyes.

"Really guys? What did I tell you not to do?" Percy questioned playfully. Mrs.O'Leary and her pack immediately straightened themselves.

"My lo-," Mrs. O'Leary started "Percy." Percy interrupted. Mrs. O'Leary nodded before continuing.

"Percy, my pack and I, we were wondering, did you use your power over Victory when you killed the Master hellhound?" Mrs.O'Leary asked sadly.

"Unfortunately, no I didn't. That monster died from bleeding out, so therefore since I didn't kill him with my sword, which has the blessing, I couldn't claim victory."

Mrs.O'Leary looked overjoyed that the master hellhound wasn't dead forever.

Percy raised his eyebrow at this, "Is there any reason to why you wanted to know so badly."

Mrs.O'Leary immediately calmed down, "Well, as I had said, I want him to train my pack and me."

Percy nodded in acceptance of her excuse. Silence reigned as the pack and Percy just stood there.

Percy noticed this before clapping once awkwardly. He motioned to the valleys and hills of Tartarus, "Well I'm, you know, gonna go."

Mrs.O'Leary nodded before nodding to the training room, this causing the pack to walk into the training room, Mrs.O'Leary taking up the back.

Percy watched as the hellhounds walked into the room, when all of them were through he started to walk towards the hills, wondering what he would find.


Percy blocked another swing at his shoulder. 'How the hell did I get into this shit?'

Perses and Iapetus both swung their selected weapons. Percy rolled to his left, avoiding a spear thrust and stabbed at Perses' abdomen.

Perses fell back at the sudden intrusion and let out a painful grunt.

Iapetus looked over at Perses before glaring at Percy's direction.

Iapetus charged at Percy, his eyes blazing with a raging fire. He jabbed at Percy with his spear but Percy intercepted it.

Percy controlled the shadows to hold the titan of the west in bonds. He commanded the darkness to stab Iapetus as he listened with glee at the titan's screams.

Percy looked over to where Perses was slowly getting up, Percy grabbed two throwing knives and chucked them at the titan.

They landed on both of his shoulders causing Perses to scream as ichor flowed down his arms.

Percy shadow traveled over to him and grabbed a larger throwing knife and pinned Perses to the ground with it.

He turned back over to where Iapetus was still screaming as the shadows punctured him.

Percy grinned again as he watched the sight. Oh, how bad he wanted to just grab a snack and listen to Iapetus' song.

After a while, Percy got bored of the scream. He muffled Iapetus' mouth as he thrusted his sword into Iapetus' hammy( I wanted another word for thigh and I found Ham).

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now