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The dark stone walls of a hallway were illuminated by a flash of light. The walls seemed to reflect the light to a small degree, allowing for any nearby to observe the small details carved into the stone.

The light slowly faded away, allowing for a man in white armor, draped with a dark cloak, to be seen in the dark corridor. The man made no sound, even as his armored boot touched the flooring, taking a step, silence remained dominant.

Darkness conquered the passage, no light visible. Only as the man's eyes glowed dimly, a dark purple, swirling slowly with power, did any light pierce the darkness.

The man visualized a large set of doors appearing in the endless hallway, the mind conquering the physical plane. As if by magic, two large sets of red doors manifested themselves in front of the man, who did not stop his pace.

As he neared the doors, he raised his hand, his palm facing upward. In a casual motion, he swiped his hand to the right. The doors obeyed. Silence was broken, the massive creaking of the doors opening dominated the ears of any nearby.

As the cloaked figure crossed into the large throne room, he swiped his hand back to the left, effectively closing the entrance. The man had his eyes set on one thing. . . the Throne.

The Throne seemed to glow dully in the presence of its master. Its Lord. Its King.

The cloaked man breathed out slowly, he shut his eyes as he concentrated on his surroundings. The acidity in the air, the toxic fumes that filled his lungs, the misty darkness. All of it, he focused on all of it.

The man breathed in, his eyes opening as his mouth twitched into a small smile. It wasn't very homey, comfortable, or cozy. But it was most definitely home.

Percy raised his hand, wisps of purple energy flowing from his hand, he made an upward toss motion, the small amounts of energy illuminating his dark throne room.

Gradually, the purple wisps started to burn brighter, slowly making a gradient to a casual white lighting.

The lights gradually revealed the amount of fine details around the room. The carvings in the Throne. The rough edging of the stone ceilings. And the almost invisible swaying of the air, revealing just how powerful the being is.

As his throne room was finally, fully illuminated, Percy sat in his throne. He laid his arms on the armrests, managing to finally take a break.

Percy closed his eyes, enjoying his peace.


Percy jolted up in his throne, surprised by the sudden end to his silence. Murmurs of excitement filled the room, echoing off the stone walls.

The King of Tartarus stared up at the roof of the massive room. He shut his eyes tightly as he mouthed, 'Chaos, why?'

Mrs. O'Leary noticed Percy's presence, getting the attention of her pack. She pointed her snout in Percy's direction as they stared at her curiously.

They managed to shut their jaws quickly. Mrs. O'Leary looked pointedly at one who seemed not to care of the King's presence.

"My Lord!" Mrs. O'Leary exclaimed, quite surprised of his arrival. Percy glared at her, sending the message for her to stop with her formalities.

"I am surprised, yet ecstatic to see you, how was your. . . trip, my lord?" Mrs. O'Leary supported. Percy shook his head at her persistence, "It was successful, although we may have a small issue with some Gods diving their noses too far deep into the Pit."

Mrs. O'Leary clearly did not understand what he was trying to say. Percy rolled his eyes, "They are meddling with my business," he explained.

Mrs. O'Leary nodded, understanding what he was trying to say. The hellhound's red eyes lit up as she remembered of an arrival, "My lord, a seemingly rather important string arrived on your Throne some time ago."

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now