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Echoed screams of ruptured bones rocked the hallways of the Underworld's palace; while the sickening crunches and the hollow shatters filled the flame lit Throne Room.

The Underworld's king stared at the Throne Room door in slight fear and anticipation. The only sounds that reached his ears were the crawls of his deceased war party.

As the sounds of battle ceased on the other side of the large royal door, the screams that accompanied the entrance's opening came swiftly.

Hades' black eyes swirled in fascination and curiosity; not many mortals that tried to bargain with the God of the Dead could deal with his army so quickly.

His long slender fingers were warm and moist, gripping his throne tightly, making his knuckles fade into a pasty white color that matched the texture of bone.

The Throne Room door opened slowly, however, groaned as it made its stop. Hades licked his cracked lips in slight hesitation as the being on the other side almost seemed to resemble himself.

A black cloak spread across this new adversary's shoulders. His stained white armor was a color parallel to the bones that his armored boots shattered beneath; Hades noted how the man's hood laid lazily atop his hidden face.

This mortal - if you could even call the being that stood in Hades' line of vision that - was the epitome of mystery. Possibly even the embodiment of such subject.

It came as an evident observation that it was more likely for this man to portray as a deity rather than as a human. His past display of power was evidence that promoted such notice.

"Do not feel that you can fool me, no doubt that you often imitate the role of a mortal," Hades growled. His comment seemed to amuse the man, as in response the man lifted his head up so the flame illuminated solely on his small grin.

"I know you are no fool, however, perhaps a χαζός κώλο," the man said humorously. Hades was taken aback at the man's thick Ancient Greek, not even registering that he was called a dumbass.

The cloaked man began to approach the King of the Underworld, whereas Hades cautiously observed the mysterious man.

"Halt, I forbid you from taking another step in my direction, shall you intervene with my business... I will not agree to your wishes," Hades threatened.

Hades' boned fingers tightly gripped his Helm of Darkness to evidence his lack of playfulness. The God of the Underworld doesn't joke around with possible threats.

"What a lovely kingdom you have Hades, however, it seems rather... skeletal, no?" The rich voice of the cloaked man carried throughout the large Throne Room.

Hades stared intently at the impossibly powerful jokester, one may even think that the man behind the shadowed mask was the God of Thieves playing a dark prank on his uncle.

The God of Riches pointed a boney finger at the hooded stranger, "What brings you to my humble abode? The Underworld does not play nice with benevolent creatures."

The man's echoed chuckle reverberated around the room, giving it an almost demonic tone that rivaled even a Primordial. Hades' body was engulfed in a cold sweat, he had not felt such power in many millennia.

A thought clicked in his mind, trying to connect whom could be showered behind the cloak. "Forgive me for asking, might you be the Primordial Tartarus, if so, what brings you to the Underworld?"

Hades did not expect another hysteric of amused laughter emit from the being in front of him. The fires of the throne room illuminated the man's almost permanent grin.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now