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1,000 years later

It had been millennia since Percy had taken control over the monsters of the Arena, he was a benevolent ruler to the monsters, yet still feared by them. The only problem during his rule over Tartarus was the many monsters that had gone rogue.

His power had grown over the last millennia, he had power that could take on the whole of the once Powerful Titan council. He never settled down in Tartarus, rather he explored every nook and cranny of the dark pit.

Percy felt his father in the process of rising once more, the Titan's essence was joining. Yet, Percy could not find the Titan. He had sent every monster he had ruled over to find the Titan of Time yet they always came back empty handed.

It was only until he felt the Primordial Power stir within him that he knew a primordial was concealing his father from him. Percy had sensed an increasing rise of Primordial energy once he noticed his father was rising.

Percy put two and two together and immediately understood that some Primordial had removed Kronos' essence and brought it to Earth where the Primordial clouded the essence.

Percy would not allow his father to return. He couldn't allow it. He had to go to Earth to find whatever Primordial was hiding his father and scatter the Titan's essence once more.

Percy had grinned as he realized if he went to Earth than he could take out the Olympians and Kronos. He would not allow Kronos to raze Olympus. He would take out his father first and then the Olympians.

Percy was the one who would take Olympus and then burn it to the ground. He even had gotten word from monsters, who had reformed in Tartarus, that there were more Olympians than before.

While they would prove to be a minor setback in his plans to destroy Olympus, he gladly welcomed the opportunity to kill more Gods.

Percy's hand glowed dark purple as his energy condensed in his hand. Once he held a small, bright sphere of his energy he threw it to the ground where it spread among Tartarus.

Shadows everywhere started to appear until everywhere Percy could see was shadow. Mrs. O'Leary traveled and appeared in front of Percy.

"M'lord," She said as she bowed. Percy waved her up, "Stop with that, it is getting old." If hellhounds could grin, Mrs. O'Leary did.

The Shadows everywhere started to disappear allowing Tartarus to revert back to normal. Percy turned to the hellhound, "I am going to Earth, I must settle some problems. In the meantime, I would appreciate it if you and your pack take over for a while."

Mrs. O'Leary nodded knowing one day Percy would leave, "Yes M'lord, yet how will you get to Earth? You may have control over most monsters but since you are a God you cannot leave unless Tartarus lets you."

Percy nodded, "Yes I know, now leave I must talk with a Primordial." Mrs. O'Leary shook her head, "As powerful as you are, even you cannot take on a Primordial."

Percy smirked, "I guess we will see them. Now leave." Mrs. O'Leary stood for a while before Percy formed a shadow under her causing her to shadow travel away.

Percy put on his mask and his eyes regained their purple power. His armor shined under his purple glow.

MovKar was wrapped in a dark purple energy as he focused all his power into one spot. MovKar started at a growl before he roared and created a massive explosion from where he stood.

MovKar smirked, 'That should easily get his attention.' Oh, how right he was, the land of the pit began to become a dark red, almost maroon color.

Then, from the land that MovKar stood upon, a being began to materialize from the ground. The being grew to a size of nine feet tall, a whole 3 meters. MovKar rose his hands with his palms facing upward as he greeted the Primordial.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now