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Percy heard the quiet groans of the girls as they slowly woke up. Sleep had always been a strange concept to him.

To let one's body become completely vulnerable, in exchange for energy, it really was fascinating and he applauded Prometheus for his brilliance.

Zoë scoffed as she eyed Percy from afar, it had been barely one day and the boy was already getting on her nerves.

Something about him just made her want to punch him in his stupid, idiotic, shit-eating, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous face. She mentally slapped herself for complimenting the boy's features.

She was a hunter for Gods' sake, she could not feel such an attraction. Her obsidian eyes observed Percy's back as he sat by the fire peacefully.

"Are you going to just sit there, boy, or are you actually going to do something useful," she snapped. Percy looked over his shoulder at the Lieutenant.

"I have a name, and don't think just because you can push many men around that you can do the same to me. I would never be so," His gaze became icy cold, "weak."

Zoë stood up, unsheathing one of her daggers and approached the hidden God with a look of fury, "I don't tolerate disrespect from disgusting pigs like you."

Percy snorted as he looked at her dagger, turning back to the flame, "And I don't tolerate prepubescent girls who have to threaten everyone just to get their way."

Thalia got on her feet slowly as she started to overhear the conversation. She groaned as she started to make her way over, jogging slowly over to the two.

Percy still had his back to her, Zoë just staring daggers into the back of his head, while holding a legitimate dagger.

Thalia saw Zoë take her first step and knew that she would have to get there faster before something happened.

Percy grinned as he felt Zoë's anger, "Why don't you ask your mistress what she thinks we should do to settle this. Oh, wait."

Zoë growled and charged at the supposed demigod, "You'll pay for that pig!" She leaped like a predator at Percy but she was tackled to the ground by a flash of black hair.

Thalia landed on the girl's body, her head laid on the other teenager's stomach. Thalia presses her arms that were on either side of the other girl's body and pushed herself off the girl.

Thalia stood up and flared at Zoë, "No killing quest mates, especially one who has their back turned."

Zoë looked slightly ashamed of herself for letting her anger get the better of her but she covered it up with a look of disgust.

Percy was emotionless, honor was a major thing he believed in. "Yes Zoë, that was very dishonorable and I am quite disappointed."

Those words for some reason made Zoë hurt a lot. Her fellow hunters joined her side, only hearing the last part of the conversation.

"Why I ought to-" Phoebe began a threat but was interrupted by Zoë putting a hand on her shoulder, "No," Zoë glanced at Thalia, "Thalia is right, we must not turn against one another. Lady Artemis is the top priority and our trivial hatred is slowing our mission down."

Percy nodded, as did Thalia. "Thank you Zoë," Thalia said. Zoë stared at Percy and then at Thalia, she nodded. "We must find a form of transportation, we cannot be on foot for so long."

They walked through the woods and eventually found a van parked near a campsite, no doubt mortals in the nearby tents.

Thalia for some reason knew how to hotwire the vehicle, no doubt some sort of electric skills she picked up from her time with Luke.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now