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The car slowly came to a stop, the roar of the engine so soft - the trained ear of the hunters could barely catch a grasp of it.

Zoë slammed on the accelerator yet the car did not lurch forward. Zoë pressed down multiple times to encourage the machine to move, yet; no response.

Zoë growled and hit the middle of the steering wheel in a fit of rage, the horn blared at the sudden contact.

She looked to the gas tank to find the little hand resting on the E. "By the Gods," She complained. Zoë looked behind her to find Thalia and Keira, the other hunter on the quest, looking at her with raised eyebrows.

"You know the car can't help it, right?" Thalia questioned slightly serious. Zoë breathed out and turned back to get a look at where they were, "Yes well, if only mortals could produce quality vehicles."

Her eyes scanned over the mountains of piles of trash, she looked over at Phoebe, "Do make sure that no one gets lost, hold up the back."

Phoebe nodded, opening her door first, despite being the last one to exit, she knew this place. She'd heard stories of it, but she couldn't quite remember the whole myth.

"Ladies, be cautious, I recognize this graveyard of trash, I will inform you when I remember what takes place." Everyone nodded, agreeing to stay on guard throughout the walk.

The girls walked in a semi-straight line, their eyes scanning over the metals. Thalia couldn't help but have her thoughts plagued with Percy.

He had stayed alone to fight the legendary Nemean Lion, she felt deep down in her gut that he most likely did not survive that fight.

Yet, something about Percy made her feel that he would do the impossible. It was just a feeling but, the power he radiated was different than a normal demigod.

"What haunts your mind daughter of Zeus?" Keira questioned, still looking through the metals as they continued their walk.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Thalia said sternly, the hunters wouldn't understand, Percy is a boy, and well, feminism.

Zoë brought up the front, she too felt that something about the place they were walking through had some sort of power within it. She could feel it all around.

Phoebe, even though picking up the end could see Zoë's expression as the demititan looked over the trash. "You feel it too don't you."

Zoë looked back quickly, only nodding in response. Zoë stepped on something, a faint crack! sound filling her ears in the quiet.

Zoë bent down to look at what she stepped on. The girls stopped as they saw Zoë bend down. Zoë sensed this and looked up quickly.

"Advance, I'll pick up the rear now." The girls nodded and continued their adventure through the maze of metallic trash.

Phoebe could almost remember the myth. Piles of trash. Metallic trash. Objects that look quite valuable. She could essentially taste it, it was so close to coming to her.

Zoë picked up what seemed to be a mirror, now broken into shards of glass. She shook her head, starting to get back onto her feet.

Yet she stopped as she caught a gleam of bronze in the mirror she picked up. Zoë moved the mirror around slightly, looking to her right as she found the bronze shine.

Zoë set the mirror on the ground, walking toward the familiar bronze. She could feel it pulling her toward it. It was alluring.

The bronze glow was beckoning her to be touched. Zoë couldn't help herself as she extended her arm toward the bronze light.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now