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Percy's long black bangs were kept up, the sides of his hair cut short, allowing the wind to tightly caress his skull. The wind blew violently as if trying to keep him out but Percy easily negated them, spreading a slight dull of darkness to keep the winds at bay.

Percy scanned the camp, it had been changed slightly but Percy knew they most likely kept the same layout. His eyes landed on a glint of silver, turning his head he saw more than 20 silver figures.

Percy observed the hunters from afar, he looked to who they were talking to but wasn't very surprised to see his old friend, Chiron. The look of betrayal on Chiron's face the last time Percy saw him was clear.

The wound still stung, but Percy paid it no mind. Percy started to walk down the hill, chanting a phrase to keep the pain inside. Percy took a step, "Pain is for the weak, weakness will not be tolerated."

Percy took another step, another, and another. "Pain is for the weak, weakness will not be tolerated." Before Percy knew it he smashed into some sort of force field, not allowing him to continue his path.

Percy tapped on the green-ish glowing dome. He could practically feel as if Zeus was in front of him, no doubt the power of the King.

His hand outstretched, landing on the dome. As Percy focused he bent his essence to that of a demigod's aura, easily allowing for him to walk through.

Percy smirked, while he could have just as easily shattered the dome, it would not be safe for his future allies.

Clearly, Percy's small flare of power got the centaur's attention. Percy immediately decreased the pressure on his aura, as if sealing the power away.

Percy's eyes narrowed as the Centaur finally landed his eyes on the God. Chiron reached to his belt, where a small horn of a minotaur was strapped around his waist.

Chiron raised the horn to his mouth and blew into it, sending a boom of the horn around camp, signaling the arrival of a new demigod. Chiron said his quick farewells to the hunters before galloping quickly to Percy.

Percy removed the small glare from his face, gaining an emotionless mask. Chiron stopped in front of the older teenager, "Do not fear young one, you are safe now," Chiron assured.

Percy, despite the pain of the centaur's betrayal, knew that he was good of heart. He smiled, and raised a hand, "I am in no trouble."

Percy's eyes flicked to the side, noticing the many campers rushing up the hill dressed in leather armor, ready to take on whatever threat there was that could have followed the new camper.

Chiron noticed the side glance, "Do not be afraid of the others, they are just like you," Chiron assured. "You are a-"

"Demigod," Percy finished for the centaur. Chiron was slightly surprised, "Yes, I have a god's ichor flowing through my veins. Do not judge me as oblivious."

"What is your name, young demigod?" Chiron said still shocked. Percy frowned slightly, he knew the mortal culture was to have a last name, "Percy. Percy Jackson."

"And how do you know of your heritage, most are lead by a satyr and are chased by an immediate threat. It is okay for you to not understand those terms bu-"

The campers were almost upon them, Percy smirked and looked at the centaur once more, "I know more than you may think, 'Trainer of Heroes', like how a titan's ichor runs through you."

Chiron was now flabbergasted, no demigod, not even the wisest and wittiest Odysseus knew of the centaur's heritage.

"Chiron, danger?!" A camper shouted, interrupting Chiron of trying to get answers out of the teenager. Chiron turned around, noticing Annabeth, of course, being the first one up the hill.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now