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I've lost interest a lot in this story, so be thankful that I am doing this for you my wonderful people. I just read this again and oh my lord is it bad quality.

2 years later

Percy was feared throughout Tartarus, his skills and grace were unrivaled and his power over the darkness and shadows were terrifying. Percy had accomplished much during his time in the pit, he had completed 9 out of 10 of the challenges of The Great Arena.

Word had gotten out of his triumphs over multiple titans, how he had made Perses fade and took the titan's power for himself. He was easily recognized as a sort of celebrity among Tartarus.

His dark assassin look and his glowing purple eyes had given him some sort of name among the monsters; MovKar — The Vile Violet. Percy shook his head the first time he heard the nickname.

(I will sometimes call Percy MovKar it depends on the situation)

Over the past two years of being MovKar, Percy had changed his look slightly. Turning his dark black assassin armor to a misty white, while keeping a dark black cloak over the armor.

The cloak's red lines running through it had changed to a dark purple and Erebus and Nyx's symbol was still stitched in white on the back of it.

Under the hood of his cloak, he had a plain black mask over his face. Like Slenderman's face yet turned black. Ghetto Slenderman.

Percy's dark purple eyes still glowed through the mask, regardless of the layer over his face. His Gauntlets that held his hidden blades were a dark black, while his armored boots that held a blade on the bottom were also a dark black.

The rest of his armor, the armored chest plate, and armored pants were the solid white. Percy truly looked like a combination of a ruthless assassin and a fallen angel.

Twas the night before Percy would compete against the 10th and final challenge. He would be fighting against the Leader of the Arena.

Percy grinned as he remembered if he manages to beat 'The Champion' as the monsters called him, he would have control of basically all monsters in Tartarus.

Percy was looking forward to fighting the great Champion of the Arena, he hoped it would be a good fight and yet he could sense in his gut that his opponent was someone he knew.

The way the monsters spoke about him, how highly they spoke of him reminded him greatly of someone he couldn't place.

Percy shortly gave up trying to place the small descriptions with a name and face. He settled on meditating to rest his mind for the upcoming battle.

He breathed out slowly, then back in, eyes closed as his breathing pattern slowed. His muscles relaxed as his mind became a layout for the God of Darkness.

Like the blink of an eye, it was the next day. Percy slowly raised himself up, his mind and body fully rested.

Percy stretched shortly and then began his walk toward the Arena entrance. It was the first time in many many years that someone had challenged the Champion.

Because of such an event, all other challenges and challengers were void. The only event taking place that fateful day was the fight between Champion and Challenger.

Percy checked over his equipment to make sure he had everything that could give him an edge in the fight.

He could hear the roaring of the monsters as they cheered for the fight. Percy smirked, while he may be the challenger he felt as though the Arena was his.

Arena's Victor: The God of Darkness |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now