(A/n) In this one you are Noctis' older sister. He is 4 and you are 15. This will be my first one without romance, but with sibling love! This may be a but ooc since he's a child. Enjoy!
(Y/n)'s POV
I walk over to my little brothers room. It's Saturday and I can't wait to spend the day with him. Although, that means waking him up first. I groan slightly before stepping into his room. Not surprisingly, he's sound asleep.
"Noctis wake up. Wake up!" I say as I shake him softly. He groans slightly before turning away from me.
'Why do I have to wake him up?'
"Noctis, you need to wake up. Come on!" I pull off his blankets and shake him again. Resulting in another groan and him trying to pull his blankets back up.
'For a four year old he sure is lazy.' "Fine, I guess I'll just have to eat all the pancakes by myself then." I say in a teasing tone, knowing how much Noctis loves pancakes.
He jumps up and quickly opens his eyes. "Pancakes?!" He asks, suddenly wide awake.
"Yeah, I came to wake you up so we can eat them. Come on." I say as I grab his hand and walk him out the door.
"These are delicious!" He says before taking a bite out of his pancakes.
"Are you glad I woke you up?" I ask, smirking slightly.
"Yeah." He mumbles.
We eat the rest of our pancakes mostly in silence, with occasional banter.
"Well that was delicious." I say as I leave the table with Noctis.
"Yeah, that was yummy." He responds happily, licking his lips.
"So what do you want to do now?" I ask him.
"How about, we play outside?" He asks me, holding my hand.
"Ok, sure."
"Tag, your it!" Noctis says, running away from me quickly.
"Hey no fair! I wasn't ready!" I yell after him, chasing him through the garden.
He laughs, happy to be winning before tripping over a stone and falling. Scraping his knee.
Tears start to fall from his eyes before he cries loudly, his knee bleeding.
"Noctis are you ok?!" I ask worriedly when I find him.
"I-I fell!" He says, crying loudly.
I pick him up and hug him tightly. "Hey, it's ok Noct. Come on, let's go put a band-aid on that."
I carry him inside and to my room. I sit him down on my bed and go to get some band-aids and disinfectant.
"Ok Noct, this is gonna sting a little, but it will be over soon. I just want to make sure you don't get an infection."
He nods, whimpering slightly before holding his knee out so I can reach it.
I squeeze his hand before putting the cloth with disinfectant on his knee. He cries a little but stays silent and still, letting me help him.

Final Fantasy XV One Shots
FanfictionOne shots starring the Chocobros and other FFXV characters!!! These will be x reader. Requests are open and gladly accepted. Enjoy! [The characters and places in this story belong to Square Enix. The plot and one shots belong to me.] [The art on the...