The Festival Part II |Mystery x Reader|

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(A/n) Here's part 2 of The Festival, enjoy!

Who will I go with?

Damn it, I really should've thought of this sooner, huh? Tomorrow's the eve of the festival, so I really only have until then to decide. Well, who says I even need to "go" with someone? I mean we're all gonna be there anyway, I'll just spend a bit of time with everyone throughout the day. Maybe being alone for some parts of it could even be better. It could be better with someone there, but, my fault for waiting for so long.

'Should probably head to bed, it's getting late.' As I watch the sun set from my window, I try to take my mind off of the whole "who am I going with" problem and watch some (tv/anime). Watching (anime/show name) always gets me in a better mood. Smiling at the screen, I'm able to quickly distract from the festival.

After watching for a while, I notice that it's already almost midnight. 'Better get to bed.' Changing into some (f/c) pajamas, I climb into bed and hug the octopus plush I got from the arcade. Closing my eyes, I eventually drift off to sleep.


Scrunching my eyes, I curse past (n/n) for not closing the curtains properly as the morning sun shines in my face. Groggily picking up my phone, I see that it's 10:00 am. Since the festival was on a Saturday this year, we were given Friday off from school so that everyone has enough time to travel to Altissia if they wish to.

I stretch and go to get ready for the day. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I get changed into my favorite dress. Brushing out my (h/l) hair, I check to see if I have any texts. To my surprise, I had good morning texts from all four of the guys. Texting them all back and saying hi, I pour myself some cereal. Gladio's the first to text me, asking what am I going to do today and if I'm going anywhere. I text him that I plan on going to the library to get a book and reading at the park in the afternoon. Seeing that it's almost that time, I decide I better start heading in the direction of the library. Grabbing my things, I head to the library.


Sitting down on a park bench, I take out (favorite book) from my bag. I've already read it a few times, but I love it so much and couldn't help checking it out again. Maybe this is a sign that I should buy my own copy.

It's doesn't take long for me to feel a small tap on my shoulder. Jumping, I turn around.

"There you are! Was hoping this was the right park," Iris says cheerfully as she sits down next to me.

"Huh, how'd your know I would be here?" I ask, surprised to day the least to see her.

"I asked Gladio if he knew where you were, and he told me. Although honestly I didn't think I'd guess which park in all of Insomnia you'd go to," she jokes, laughing towards the end.

"I'm just glad you found me I guess," I reply, her laughter causing me to laugh as well.

"So are you excited for the festival?" She asks. "I know I sure am! I love moogles."

"I am too, I've never been so it'll be super fun."

"You haven't? You're gonna love it! There's so many cool things, theres chocobos, moogles, food, games-" As she goes on talking about it, I can't help but giggle at how excited she is about it, it's certainly making me more and more eager for sunset so I can take the boat ride to Altissia.

"-and just like so much, I can't even describe it you're gonna love it. Oh, speaking of, Gladio told me about how all the guys were trying to get you to go with them." I feel myself blush as she laughs, and she laughs even more at my expression.

"Wh-what? No they weren't," I deny, my embarrassment amusing her further.

"You mean you didn't notice?! They totally were! Even Gladio noticed."

"You really think so?" I ask, groaning as everything suddenly made perfect sense.

"I can't believe you didn't," she says, and I laugh along with her at my obliviousness.

"So who're you gonna pick?" She asks when she finally calms down.

"Pick? I- I don't know I don't really want to," I stammer, overwhelmed suddenly now that I finally can understand their intentions.

"Well, you don't gotta pick you know."

"I, don't?"

"You could always go with me!" She says cheerfully.

"Go, with you? But isn't, going with someone like a date..?" I ask as I feel my heart thumping harder than before.

"Well yeah, if you want it to be," she adds, staring into my eyes.

"I, I do," I squeak nervously, refusing to look at her directly.

"Then it's a date!" She chirps. "I'll see you at the boat for Altissia, bye!"

"Bye..." I mumble, still confused at how that just happened. "It's a date"? Iris, really wants to go on a date with me?


As I pack the last of my things for our weekend in Altissia, I can't help the butterflies I feel in my stomach as I think about Iris. I've liked her for a long time, but never thought she'd like me in return. She's so cool, and pretty, and her voice is so lovely to listen to.

As I walk out the door, it doesn't take too long for Ignis to drive up in the Regalia.

"Where's Gladio?" I ask as I get inside.

"He said he was gonna drive Iris and him himself since it'd be too many of us in the car otherwise," Noctis replies, looking back at me from the front seat.

"Yeah, I didn't even know she'd be going this year," Prompto says. "Speaking of, you excited (n/n)?"

"Hell yeah I am, this is gonna be the best!"

"You bet it will!" Grinning brightly, it's obvious he can barely keep his excitement contained.

It doesn't take too long to arrive, and I smile as I see Iris. Running up to her, I hug her tightly.

"Iris!" I exclaim happily as she hugs me back, I can feel her chest against mine from how tight I'm hugging her.

"I'm so happy to see you (y/n)," she giggles. "I'm so excited to spend the festival with you."

"Oh, you're, going with Iris (y/n)?" Prompto asks awkwardly.

"Yeah, she asked me yesterday at the park," I say, smiling.

"Well that's wonderful (y/n), I'm happy you are going with her," Ignis says politely.

"Yeah me too! You're both gonna have so much fun, I know how much you like moogles Iris," Prompto adds happily. "I was gonna ask you to go with me but I guess I was too late," he jokes, laughing.

I laugh along, but my focus is on Iris. I was already excited about the festival, but now that Iris will be here for it, I'm practically shaking. She's so pretty, and I try not to blush as she gently takes my hand.

"Are you as excited as I am (n/n)?" She asks, her voice is so cute and bubbly.

"Definitely! This is gonna be the best few days ever!" As I'm staring up at the sky as dusk turns to night, I hear Ignis next to me say that the boats ready for us to get on. With Iris's hand still in mine, we board the boat together.

"I've never been on a boat before," I say.

"They're super fun, it'll just feel boring and long since we're excited to get there," she answers cheerfully. "It'll be like an adventure! I promise you'll love it."

I smile at her, an adventure, huh? That's a cute way of thinking of it. We sit down together and look up at Lucis's beautiful night sky. The stars are so beautiful tonight, there isn't a single cloud covering them. As the boat starts up, I can feel Iris grasp my hand tighter, more than likely from the excitement of traveling to Altissia. As I look at her next to me, I can already tell this will be the most amazing time of my life.

(A/n) Part 3 will be written and posted soon.

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