(A/n) Art above not mine. I hope you enjoy the story!
(Y/n)'s POV
'My boyfriend is so adorable!'
I watch as Noctis gives the cat that used to live around Galdin Quay some cat food made with fish he had just caught for it.
'He acts all tough but he's just a sweetie pie, an adorable innocent sweetie pie!'
We are visiting Iris in Cape Caem since we had some hunts around the area and found the cat behind the house.
I'm sure Noctis wouldn't act like this if the guys were around but they're inside with Iris, so it's just Noct and I. Meaning, he can act caring without being embarrassed.
"How do you think it got here?" I ask, petting the cat's ears.
"I don't know...Galdin Quay is pretty far away," he responds, petting the cat's back subconsciously.
"That cat sure seems to like the food," I say, giggling as the cat looks up for a second and mews, as if in agreement.
"I'm glad. Not that it was hard to catch the fish or anything since I'm an amazing fisherman," he says proudly.
I roll my eyes in response to his statement but he doesn't seem to notice.
When the cat finishes it's food, it jumps off the crate it was on and over to Noctis and starts rubbing against his leg. He then sits down on the ground and pets it softly, the cat purring in reply.
"The cat really seems to like you Noct." As soon as my sentence is finished, the cat quickly gets up and bites the hand that was petting it.
"Ow!" He yells, pulling his hand back. "I guess he doesn't like me."
The cat then jumps onto Noct's lap and licks the wound.
"Aww see Noct, he didn't mean to. He's trying to make it better now."
"I guess. Doesn't make it hurt any less," He says, pouting slightly.
"Come on you big baby, let's go have Ignis get that wound treated." He doesn't seem to like the nickname I gave him but he gets up anyway and follows me to Iris's house.
When we get inside, Iris greets us immediately.
"Hey Noct! Did you finally feed that cat-what happened to your hand?!" She asks frantically, staring at Noct's hand which is now bleeding slightly.
"The cat bit me by accident."
"How can a cat bite you accidentally?"
"I probably scared it or something and it thought I was attacking it. I don't blame it for biting me."
"Well ok, but you should have Ignis take care of it," she says, her eyebrows scrunched together in worry.
"I should take care of what?" Ignis asks, seemingly appearing from nowhere.
"The cat bit me," Noctis says, showing Ignis his hand.
"I should take treat it before we leave. Come with me Noct." He goes upstairs and gestures for Noctis to follow him.
I walk upstairs with Noct and Iggy into the room we were staying in, where Gladio is beating Prompto at cards.
"How can you win again?!" Prompto asks, throwing himself back onto the bed he's sitting on.
"Because I'm way better than you at cards."
Prompto is about to argue more before seeing Noct's hand.

Final Fantasy XV One Shots
FanfictionOne shots starring the Chocobros and other FFXV characters!!! These will be x reader. Requests are open and gladly accepted. Enjoy! [The characters and places in this story belong to Square Enix. The plot and one shots belong to me.] [The art on the...