MY CHOCOBO!!! |Prompto x Yandere Reader|

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(A/n) My first try at a yandere one shot. The art above is not mine. I hope you all enjoy this one shot! Have fun being a yandere!

(Y/n)'s POV

Prompto Argentum. How do I describe him? He's perfect, everything about him is wonderful. He's never met me before, but I know everything about him. Ever since that fateful day when his friend's car broke down, I've been madly in love with him! I quietly watch him from the shadows, observing him and following everywhere he and his friend's go. It's hard when they camp, because I have to sleep outside and make sure they don't see me, but seeing him everyday is worth it! Sometimes, when he's asleep, I unzip the tent zipper and watch him sleep. He's so adorable! If I'm careful and quiet enough, I can even reach over and touch a strand of his hair!

His love of chocobos is even more adorable! The way he talks to the birds and the affection he shows them is heartwarming!

Someday, he'll talk to me like that!

Right now, Prompto and his friend's are in Hammerhead getting their car, the Regalia, fixed. From what I've overheard, his friend Noct wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into a rail, badly scratching off the paint.

While they are waiting, Noct, Gladio, and Ignis are shopping for potions, while Prompto stays behind, talking to Cindy.

'Why is he talking to HER again?!'

Every time I see him talk to her, my blood boils over. I've overheard Prompto's friends teasing him about having a crush on her, I couldn't believe my darling could ever fall for HER, but I was appalled when I saw how differently he acted around her. Shy, but a bit flirtatious.


I must take action soon. If he keeps doing this, she may fall in love with him AND THEN HE WON'T WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH ME!!! Or worse! She may reject him and his feelings will be hurt, I CANNOT ALLOW THAT!!! I MUST PROTECT HIM!!!

Later today, I'll try to scare her off, if that doesn't work... THEN I'll KILL HER!!!

I hide in the bushes for a few more hours, waiting for her to step out of the garage. Once she finishes with the Regalia, she steps outside to find the boys.

'Now's my chance!'

I quickly run to the garage with a bucket of blood red paint in my hands. I was originally going to kill a small bird to paint with, but that would take a lot of birds and I don't want to kill too many innocent creatures.

'Now, to wait...'

Prompto's POV

"Hey y'all," Cindy says. "She's all fixed if y'all are ready to leave."

"Thank you Cindy," Ignis says, handing her some gil.

"Y-yeah. Thanks Cindy!" I say shyly.

"Anytime! It's a pleasure working on her!" She says, walking back towards the garage.

We decide to eat some lunch at the diner before we get the car and leave. We walk towards it before hearing a bloodcurdling scream.

"That sounded like-"

"Cindy!" I call out, cutting off Gladio and running towards the garage.

Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio arrive before me and as soon as they look into the garage they gasp loudly. I quickly catch up to them and stare in the direction they are, my skin paling at the sight.

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