Chapter 5: The Promise

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Niall's Point Of View

I loved singing with Allie, she is a natural singer. She says it's no big deal and everyone has a special talent. But hers is amazing. It's like when you see her sing, you see her believe in what she is singing, and in the background you hear Hunter Hayes song Wanted. It is that good. She is so beautiful, I don't know if she knows, but I am falling, falling for an Angel. I hope she likes me too. I love everything about her.

Allie's Point Of View

It is getting really late, it is almost 12:30. I should go to sleep now.

Hey guys, I am really tired, I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow guys." The lights are off on the bus now, and only like a few people are up still. I recline my chair back and grab my jacket as a blanket. I slowly drift off in sleep.

Kaylee's Point Of View

I see Niall and he is looking at Allie. I think he likes her. But I don't really know.

Niall has a blanket in his hands, and puts it on Allie. Yep. He likes her.

Allie hasn't dated for like a couple years, after a guy, Ryan dumped her like she was trash. I don't know if she is ready to love. But Niall is different, not like "OMG he is famous so lets use him for publicity" but because I can see something when they look at each other.

The whole time I pretended I was asleep, but then I asked Niall a quick question "Hey, Niall, can I ask you a question ?" he looks up startled. "Lord, Kay. I thought you were sleeping. You scared me a little." I smiled and gave him the "Oh, you!" look.

"Do you, uhm... like Allie?" I asked

"Uhm...will you tell her" He said

"Never ever" I replied

"Uhm, yeah..." he said whispering

"Oh" I said

"What do you mean, oh" he asked concerned.

"Oh, it's just that she is P

Filipina , and you would have to do alot to date her. You have to like do all kinds of special things... like first tell her how you feel, and then some of those special things u was talking about, and then you would do something really special like sing a song to her or something." I said

"Oh. That's cool" he said. "I guess I will try tomorrow"

"Wait, Niall" I said

"Mhm?"he said

"She hasn't dated for a couple years after some jerk broke her heart, so don't fuck it up" I said

"Wow. Language! Ha Just Kidding" he said "Ok, I wont"

It's really late and I need sleep. Goodnight uncomfortable bus!

Niall's Point Of View

Wow. I hope I can think of something to give her tomorrow.

Oh, wait. I have bought a wooden ring, for my mom for Christmas, but somebody gave her the same one, so I just kept it. Now I can use it.

It took a while, but I finally carved into the ring. It is beautiful, she will love it.

The next morning, we all awoke to the noise of people screaming. We were switching buses. Oh great. At 6:30 in the morning.

We got all our stuff and left. Since we were in the back, we were the last ones on the bus, so we had to sit in the middle instead of the back. Shit. I like the back.

There were only two seats, so I sat next to Allie. I got the window seat, because I am such a gentleman. hahaha. lol.

After about 30 minutes on the bus, we are all comfortable, I asked Allie, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, what's wrong Ni?" She asked

Allie's Point Of View

Niall looks worried. He just asked me if he could talk to me. I hope it isn't bad.

"Uhm, I kind of..." he said

"Oh, Niall, that is so sweet... but I am from the Philippines, and the guy had to pretty much prove to the girl he isn't gonna bail, during the most important times" I said.

I can't believe he likes me, if I wasn't Philippian, I would probably say yes right away, but it's just a tradition thing.

"But, wouldn't you rather prefer a model or something." I said. oh my lord. I just said that out loud.

"No, I don't want just anyone, or just anither pretty face, I want you. You are perfect to me." Said Ni.

Oh, my, God. He said it and meant it. But the tradition. Oh, that's right, he says he has time. That's good.

"I made you this last night, I hope you like it." he said. He handed me a ring. Carved into it read:

'I Promise.' with squiggly lines. '<3 u, Allie <3 Ni'

I had no words, all I did was hug him. He hugged me back. I like him too. I hope he tries at my tradition, if not, I am a dead woman dying lonely.

Kaylee was looking at us and she was just really quiet, and she just looked away and smiled a little when she saw us hug. She probably knows about us now.

But I don't care who he is, I love him, no matter if he is famous or not.

"I love you, Red" he said

"What?" I said

"That's your nickname. Red. Is that ok?" he asked.

"Anything for you, Ni" I said. he blushed.

We were about two hours away. Don't slip now, time. Stay slow.

Still Allie's Point Of View

Oh my goodness. I think I like Niall, I kind of feel weird sitting next to him, because I sometimes say my thoughts out loud. But if I moved I would offend him.

I put on my earbuds and turn up the music. I am listening to Turn Down For What. It's a really good song.

After sitting there for like 20 minutes, somebody takes one of the ear buds out of my ear.

"Stoppp" I say. I look up. Its Niall. "Oh, sorry Ni, that that was someone else."

He laughed. I guess I giggled a little.

He put one of the ear buds in his ears. He took my iPod and changed the song, that was a Maroon Five song.

I heard a familiar beat, and then I realized that it was Hey There Delilah, a Plain White Tees song. Every time I hear that song, it reminds me of one of my best friends, her name was Dawn.

I started sniffing, and Niall noticed. "Don't do that, Red." He put his arm around my shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry Ni, but this song reminds me of my best friend Dawn that moved. I still miss her, even though we Skype alot."

"Oh, you. You had me worried, Red." he said, happier "Should I change it?" I shook my head. Even though I miss her, it brings back memories. Good memories.

All I remember is me leaning on Niall's shoulder, and then I fell asleep.

As I slept, I kind of dreamed, not really a dream, there were no pictures, just words, like end credits at the end of a movie.

All Your Little Things: A Niall Horan/Matthew Espinosa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now